Author: Kris

  • We hate Star Wars.

    Star Wars fans hate Star Wars. Never a truer word has been spoken. That essay is spot-on. (Link courtesy of John.

  • Baby’s First DNA Model

    Knitting pattern: Baby’s First DNA Model. That rules! I like the Sputnik ball too. (Incidentally, I found that website because the creator, Kim, is coming to Sydney next month and sent an e-mail asking if she could come to our Stitch and Bitch! So if you want to meet her, come to the SnB.)


    Which Superhero Are You? According to that quiz, I’m the Human Torch:

    You’re on fire, baby! Literally and in spirit. You’re the fun-loving, thrill-seeking, life-of-the-party superhero. Some people say you need to grow up. You think those un-super losers should get a life and kiss your flaming comet. It’s hard for you to be a team player, but when the spit hits the fan, your fantastic friends know they can count on you.

    FLAME ON! Link courtesy of The Hulk.

  • Better Off Dead Camaro

    My sister will LOVE this: Better Off Dead Camaro. Some guy actually tracked down the black ’67 Camaro from this classic John Cusack movie and then painstakingly restored it. Now all he needs are some Asian guys who talk like Howard Cosell…

  • MacGyver

    Turn a C Battery into a D With Quarters. WOW! I can’t even remember the last time I needed a C or a D battery, but I still find that tip remarkable.

  • Tour de France Knitalong

    Tour de France Knitalong. Now that’s cute! I like the different jerseys/categories.

  • Nundle for Sale!

    Anybody got a spare half million lying around? It looks like Nundle Woollen Mill is FOR SALE!

  • Weasley’s Wizard Freezes

    Weasley’s Wizard Freezes
    Okay, so I was just reading this random Harry Potter puff piece and eating my lunch, when I got to the part on page two where the interviewer asks the kids what they’ve spent their millions on. Emma Watson bought a Mac; Daniel Radcliffe wants to collect art. Rupert Grint? “I’ve recently got an ice-cream van,” he said. I nearly spewed lamb stew out my nose.

    And then later on, they get asked whether they’re going to keep acting when the movies are finished. Grint says that he will… “and if it doesn’t work out, I’ve still got the ice cream van.”

  • iPhone for Aussies?

    I know that Fake Steve Jobs isn’t the real Steve Jobs, but I hope to God he’s somebody important in the industry and that, therefore, his mention of the iPhone coming to Australia soon is true. BECAUSE I WANT.

  • Aches and Pains

    • I spent, no lie, like twenty hours knitting. In addition to finishing Penn’s hoodie, I also started a new jumper for the Snook. It’s an Elizabeth Zimmerman Seamless Hybrid, with a very special design on the front (which the Snook himself charted). It’s pretty much top secret for now, but we’re calling it “Robots in Disguise.” Anyway, my arms, shoulders, and neck absolutely KILL from the sustained effort. I have knitting-induced carpel tunnel syndrome.
    • I also finished my marathon viewing of the Dawson’s Creek Season 3 DVDs, which I cannot in good conscience recommend to any of you. No, not even actual Creek fans. It’s that whole music problem. The horrible generic crap they’ve used to replace all the recognizable songs just sucks all the cheesy goodness out of even the best scenes. (And yes, HATERS, there are some.) So that was a disappointment.
    • My head cold is finally starting to diminish, but as I was eating breakfast this morning I made a massively disappointing discovery: a burgeoning cold sore on my lip. GODDAMMIT. I HATE COLD SORES. I haven’t had one in nearly two years, so I’d been lulled into a false sense of security. The combination of a compromised immune system and the stress of the sale must’ve done the trick. I spent the day employing every remedy I could find in an attempt to keep it from erupting. I’ve slathered my lips with Zovirax. I’ve dosed myself up with Lysine. I held ice cubs to my lips til they went numb. I even rubbed in some zinc oxide (which Amy’d given to me as a sunscreen) because I read it would help. It’s still slightly tingly and swollen, and now the glands beneath my jaw are starting to ache. Any other suggestions? I feel like a goddamn leper. (Don’t look at me! I’m hideous!)

    So those were the bad things. On the plus side, we wandered over to the Nicholson Museum to check out the antiquities. And the stupid sale is finally finished, so things should calm down a bit at work…