Author: Kris

  • Newspaper article

    Hmm. I gave an interview to a journalist about the resurgence in crochet a week or two again, and apparently it was published in one of the weekend papers. I haven’t been able to find it online. Anybody seen it?

  • Crocheted Shoes

    Wow. Crocheted high heels. Those are, like, my kryptonite.

  • Small world

    Small world. The Snook and I headed over to Tempe tonight to the German Club to bid farewell to two friends leaving for a long European bike tour. Imagine my surprise when I recognized a fellow MeFite amongst the party! Turns out he’s the brother of one of our friends. It was really amusing trying to explain to people that we knew each other through a random website. Muggles just don’t get it.

  • Inner City Guild Site

    Woohoo! I’m proud to announce that the website of the Inner City group of the Knitters’ Guild is now live.

  • Kool-Aid

    I should’ve brought more Kool-Aid back from the States. I’ve suddenly got a killer idea for this year’s Halloween party hors d’oeuvres… (Link courtesy of Max.)

  • WWKIP Day

    World Wide Knitting in Public Day
    After much debate and research (I spoke to several City events coordinators), everyone seems to agree that the best venue… is the same one we had last year. Yep, we’re making it official, folks.

    Where: Sidewalk Cafe + Bar, Sydney Opera House
    When: Saturday, June 9, 2007 from 2pm onwards
    Bring: Your knitting! A fold-up chair might be useful if you have one, and sunscreen if it’s a sunny day.

    I hope to see everybody there!

  • Merkins.

    Today in the knitting shop I had a call from someone “working on the new Bazmark film.” Sweet! (Regular readers will recall that I once gave Baz’s wife Catherine Martin knitting lessons.) So anyway, the chick wanted all this thick gnarly grey alpaca wool and I managed to track it down for her. She came by in the afternoon to pick it up.

    Me: So will we be seeing Nicole sporting a jumper from this in the movie?
    Her: Uh, no. *pause* We’re using it to make Aboriginal pubic coverings.

    But of course.

  • VOCO Clock

    Oh, dear lord! I will be waking up to the sound of Stephen Fry from now on, for sure.

  • Righteous Rant

    A righteous rant! Excellent. Just what a bootylicious girl needs after seeing her doctor “Tsk tsk” and pull out the measuring tape… (Link courtesy of Lara.)

  • Italian Chicken and Bacon Rotolo

    Rotolo ComparisionItalian Chicken and Bacon Rotolo
    My culinary adventures continue! Thanks to Ma Snook’s generous birthday gift of a delicious subscription, I always have lots of food pr0n inspiration lying around. Tonight I made Belinda Jefferey’s “Rotolo,” which (as she herself admits) is really just a glorified chicken meatloaf. It starts with chicken mince, to which you then add tiny cubes of salami, an onion, fresh thyme and parsley, garlic, two types of mustard, and grated parmesan. Then comes the fun part – mushing all that up with your hands. Next you’re supposed to add a beaten egg, milk, and breadcrumbs, but I switched to cream and no breadcrumbs (to keep it low-carb). The mixture is spread out on a piece of baking paper and then layered with mint, ham, and smoked cheese. The whole thing is rolled up (like a jelly roll) and then covered in bacon. (How many animals are we up to yet?) Then it gets baked in the oven. YUM. I was absolutely thrilled when I saw how closely mine resembled the picture in the magazine! It was pretty darn tasty too, and very filling. We’ll be having the leftovers tomorrow…