Author: Kris

  • Embroidered SMS

    An artist in England is doing a new series where she cross stitches every text message sent to her. Including stupid ones sent by Pete Doherty. Hey, anything that’ll get the “kids” into embroidery, I guess!

  • RIP Stardust

    How depressing. The Stardust Casino in Vegas – where we stayed on our wedding trip in 2004 – was destroyed to make way for a new mega-resort. Snookums is already scouring eBay for memorabilia.

  • Bye bye 20’s

    And it’s here at last… the last day of my twenties. In the past week I’ve had lots of people tell me that the thirties rock, that they’re way better than the twenties. I’m worried that they may be LYING. What do you think?

  • Cardigan Update

    Kitty Kat Cardy Update: I’ve been dealing with some contrasting impulses this week. On one hand, the cardy bodice could look really cute as a vest. But do I wear vests? Not really. On the other hand, knitting long sleeves in the next ten days is going to kill me. Then last night I had a brainstorm: I could put short sleeves on it! And not just any short sleeves – PUFFY SLEEVES. Yes, that’s going to push the whole thing so far over the cliff into the Land of Twee that the world might implode. But I don’t care! It’s already going to have EMBROIDERED KITTY FACES on it! I think we may even be venturing into Alannah Hill territory here! Maybe I can sell the design to her for next year’s collection! The very concept of puffy sleeves is making me CRAZY!

    But yeah, they’re tricky to knit. Bex gave me some helpful advice and I’ve filled several pages with scribbled calculations tonight. But it just might work…

  • Giant Cadbury Creme Egg

    Giant Cadbury Creme Egg. ACK! The Creme Egg is secondly only to the dreaded Peep on my list of Candy Enemies. (Link courtesy of Bex.)

  • Easter Show Question

    Easter Show Quandry: I’m looking at the 2007 Arts Schedule here, and under “Special Arts Regulations” it says this:

    9. Exhibits (with the exception of quilts, weaving and spinning) which have been washed will be disqualified.

    Huh? Do they really mean that? I had been planning on giving the Cabled Jacket of Doom a gentle hand wash and then a blocking, but it sounds like they’re saying they’d boot me for that. What’s the problem with washing, anyway? All my stuff is covered in cat hair!

  • Dogster

    My sister’s dog Buster has his own page on Dogster. That kind of cracks me up.

    There’s a Catster site too, but I think a Flickr page is enough for one cat, isn’t it?

  • Nintendo = happy

    Nintendo guru wants more happy games. See, that pretty much encapsulates my whole issue with the video games industry. There are just too many “dark” games based on violence and horror. I want to play fun stuff that challenges while still making me smile.

  • Stella Mayhem

    Stella McCartney Target Mayhem. Dude, maybe I won’t go to Bondi Junction tonight after all. (Link courtesy of Bex.)

    Later: Holy crap. I guess there’s no point in going. They cleaned the place out. And get this:

    The most popular items were McCartney’s much-hyped trench coat in grey and navy – just 6000 are available Australia-wide…

    SOB. That’s what I wanted! If any of you happen to find youself in a Target that has the Stella trench in a size 14, BUY IT. I will reimburse you. Black is preferable, but I’ll take any.

  • Go girls!

    Wow. Thirty-five years after admitting women, Notre Dame finally elected an all-female ticket to the office of Student Body President and Vice President. Well done, ladies!