Dr. Amy Jones was driving us CRAZY this morning, scratching and meowing at the bed for hours. We tried locking her up in the bathroom, giving her an early breakfast, refreshing her water, everything. She was just being a total poophead. Snookums thinks maybe the wind gusts scared her, or else the lunar eclipse messed with her brain. Me, I’m wondering if my Depo shot last week has screwed with her hormones.
Author: Kris
Time lapse Thom Yorke
Time lapse video of someone painting a Photoshop portrait of Radiohead’s Thom Yorke. It’s amazing.
Youth was wasted on me.
So how did I spend the next-to-last weekend of my 20’s? I’m ashamed to say: sitting on my butt and knitting. Saturday morning was the Annual General Meeting of the Knitter’s Guild, and it totally just SAPPED MY WILL TO LIVE. I was surrounded by busybodies who actually spent half an hour heatedly debating the issue of whether we should print annual copies of the Membership Directory. Seriously. (For the record, I think the whole issue would be avoided by putting it on the website, but as A) that would mean work for me and B) I don’t actually care one way or the other, I kept my mouth shut.) My Knitting Nemesis was also in fine form, dominating the debate, waving her camera around, and generally just annoying everyone who was counting down the minutes til Tea Time. Basically, that was ninety minutes of my life that I’ll never get back. (Notable exception: Fiona received her Level 1 Certificate, and a hearty congratulations to her!)
Afterwards I suffered a major allergy attack and a subsequent headache, so I decided to pike on SSK and the Mardi Gras parade (to which the fabulous Bex had invited me). I then spent most of the next 36 hours working on my argyle kitty-kat cardigan, a teaser of which you see before you. I’m supposed to enter it in the Easter Show, but it’ll never be done in time. If it turns out well though, I might write it up for Yarn. I also watched Freaky Friday and Cat People (both of which were EXCELLENT), four episodes of House, three episodes of My Name is Earl, and the Biggest Loser weigh-in. Yeah, I suck.
Edible Chess
Edible Chess. That is neat!
Fabulous Franko is here!
Miss Jane has just launched her first children’s book and we all couldn’t be prouder! The reading was fun and we got signed books for the little ones. Well done, Jane!
National Pig Day
How did I miss that today was National Pig Day? The Snook and I shall have to celebrate tomorrow. And maybe Saturday and Sunday. It shall be a Pig Weekend!
I can’t believe I forgot to mention this, but I won my first Nike+ Challenge! Over the thirty days of the Metafilter 1.0 Challenge, I logged 88.37km (which is just shy of 55 miles). I can’t believe it either. Especially since I injured myself halfway through and thus had to walk all the rest of it. I feel a little guilty actually, seeing as how the other participants were all dealing with the Northern Hemisphere winter and I was cruising through summer. I’m also lucky to live such a pedestrian-friendly city where I can walk to work and back every day. I’m sure the MeFites will get me next time. Many thanks to Hoey for setting it up and especially to pyjammy and pjrivera for pushing me ever further. 🙂
Yay! I’ve finally got something on my virtual trophy shelf!
Any Disney/Orlando advice for us?
I’m finalizing the details of our stay in Orlando next month(!). We get in on the evening of Tuesday the 10th, and we fly out on Monday the 16th. I was looking at staying in a Disney Hotel, but JEEZ they’re expensive! Mousesavers.com recommended this place instead, and that’s what I’m leaning towards. (Especially since it’s right across the road from Celebration; I’ve always wanted to go there!) So I’m thinking we stay there throughout that week and do the touristy stuff. We do have the Astronaut thing on the 12th, which unfortunately means (I think) that the multi-day Disney tickets that save you money aren’t going to be any good for us, since we wouldn’t be going to the parks on consecutive days. The Snook’s not a huge thrill-ride guy, so I’m thinking we can give Universal a miss. (Though I went there in 2000 and LOVED it.) So I’m thinking maybe one day at the Magic Kingdom, and then another day at Epcot. Normally I’d give the MK a pass since I’ve been there before (and Rodd went to the one at EuroDisney), but then again he’s never ridden the Haunted Mansion and neither of us have been on Splash Mountain. Neither of us have been to Epcot, and I think we’d like that. Is Animal Kingdom worth going to? I like the sound of Expedition Everest, but the rest doesn’t sound too spectacular. I’ve done MGM before and – though I might be able to drag the Snook onto the Tower of Terror – I doubt he’d enjoy it much. Any thoughts or suggestions? (We’ll probably spend that Saturday/Sunday with my relatives.)
Scrotum Scandal
Ooh, dishy librarian-related scandal! This year’s Newbery Medal-winning book contains the word “scrotum,” and the uptight soccer moms of the word are freaking out and requesting that it be banned. The author has written a response. So, Amy, when can we expect to see The Higher Power of Lucky on the shelves at the vaunted Mosman Public Library?