Author: Kris

  • MacBook Pro

    It’s a MacBook Pro. The Snook has been assimilated. (And for the curious, apparently it handles World of Warcraft really well. “Fantastic framerate,” or some such. But officially, it’s a Useful Work Thing.)

  • Ming Tsai’s Cucumber Kimchee

    Ming Tsai’s Cucumber Kimchee
    I caught an episode of Simply Ming recently that featured this interesting-sounding kimchee. The ingredients were all pretty easy to come by – except for the Korean chili powder – so I made a batch on Monday night. It “fermented” in the fridge for 24 hours and then I tried it. Not bad! It doesn’t taste much like kimchee though. I’d classify it more as a chunky pickle relish. It’s very sweet and I think I could’ve used more of the plain chili flakes (that I used as a substitute for the “kucho karo”). I think it’d be fantastic on a burger. Here’s what it looked like:Ming's Cucumber Kimchee

    Tonight I also tried out the Spicy Kimchee, Pork and Tofu Braise that utilizes the kimchee. I used a lot more pork and a lot less spinach than he calls for. (Seriously, a pound of spinach? That’s like a grocery bag full.) It was still pretty good! Definitely drizzle on the sesame oil; that really makes the dish.

  • Feathered Star Quilt

    My Mom has finished another quilt, and it’s amazingly gorgeous. If you ever want a patchwork quilt, you should totally commission her.

  • Silver Lining

    So it’s really expensive to live in Australia… but hey, at least you’ll live a long time!

  • Tree House Knitting

    How to Knit a Treehouse (PDF), by the author of my favorite sock knitting book, Cat Bordhi. Okay, so it’s not so much a tree house as a hammock, but it’s still a neat idea.

  • Star Wars mit Handses

    Holy crap! Check out this recreation of the Luke’s destruction of the Death Star done only with human hands. It’s surprisingly effective!

  • Oscar Nominations

    Oscar Contest 2007 Coming Soon
    Okay, so the Oscar nominations are out… and that’s usually when my annual Oscar Contest begins. Unfortunately this year I’m running a little behind with the sock monkey creation, so we’re not going to launch for a little while yet. But you all wanted more time to think about your predictions anyway, right? Plus this will help limit the number of randoms who enter. Not that I don’t want new people to play along, but I always wish that one of my regular readers/commenters would win. So go to the movies and start thinking!

  • Pancakes

    Me: So the Internets evidently think we’re slobs.
    Snook: Huh? Oh, you mean those random comments?
    Me: Yeah.
    Snook: What the hell was that about? It looks good! Some people have frickin’ OCD.
    Me: Seriously. I was thinking it looked pretty tidy, myself.
    Snook: Most of the time we have empty wine bottles all over the place!
    Me: Remember that time we had a bottle of maple syrup on the coffee table for, like, a month?
    Both of us: Mmm…. pancakes.

  • Burning the Candle

    Burning a candle at both ends. That is surprisingly hypnotic. Very cool. (Link courtesy of John.)

  • poetwii

    Poetwii: poems about/inspired by the Nintendo Wii. No, I’m not making this up. This one’s my favorite.I have taken
    the hearts
    that were in the grassfield

    and which
    you were probably
    for battle

    Forgive me
    they were nourishing
    so sweet
    and so red


    For those that don’t get it.