So I was reading Dan‘s site today and came across a reference to a “Turducken”. I clicked on the link and found myself at an amazing site dedicated to the preparation of a this dish, which consists of a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey. Of course, I immediately sent it round to Snookums, Nick, and Alex with the suggestion that we make this the centerpiece of our next barbecue. So I continue flipping through the guy’s BBQ pictures, and my eye is caught by a familiar name in a caption. Two of my good friends from college were at this event! There’s Nat and Staci right there. How random is that? I’m off to e-mail them right now. I gotta know how this thing turned out.

Ha. I just saw a great signature on Slashdot:

    The only “intuitive” interface is the nipple. After that, it’s all learned.

Hmmm… I wonder what Jakob would make of that? (Snookums just wondered: “hence the nipple-mouse on IBM thinkpads?” I don’t think that reasoning works though. You’d get drool all over your keyboard.)

Matt has written an incredibly useful bookmarklet that turns on all the table borders within the page you’re viewing. It’s nice for instantly checking your own work and for seeing the ways complicated sites put their pages together. It’s only for IE on Windoze machines, but it’s worth grabbing if you can.

I would’ve thought Roger Ebert would’ve had more to say about that whole Phantom Edit thing. I mean, as a Star Wars fan myself I wish the film had been better. But as a film student, I don’t like the idea that we can just cut up somebody else’s work because we didn’t agree with it.

Just this morning Snookums and I were discussing my dream job, which is basically to get paid for surfing and writing about the ‘Net. We agreed that I might have a chance writing for a newspaper or television show, but that I don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting paid for online content. So I just keep doing what I’ve been doing: working for The Man during the day, and doing my own stuff whenever I get a chance. It beats being homeless. John Scalzi agrees with me. (Again, link courtesy of John.)