Author: Kris

  • More Baby Stuff

    I just can’t stop. First are a bunch of accessories to go with the argyle vest: a hat, booties, and stripey socks. The hat and socks are both out of Debbie Bliss’s Baby Cashmerino 2, while the booties are from Patons’s Quick & Easy Baby Knits. (Note: I still have to thread ribbon through the eyelets on the booties. I just didn’t have any handy.)

    Baby Accessories

    The other thing is a fancy washcloth, knitted solely because I still had a bunch of cotton left over from the tart hat. The stitch pattern is a garter stitch basket weave with a moss stitch border. I think it’s finally time to send all this stuff off while Penn can still wear it!


  • Housewarming

    Just checking in so I don’t miss a day of NaBloPoMo… I’m at Major and Steph’s housewarming party. The Snook and I made a DIVINE carrot cake, and we’re celebrating a new (for me) personal best 5K time. Happy Thanksgiving weekend!

  • RunningBlog

    Well, I did it! I officially ran a marathon… in two weeks. Since I got my Nike + iPod kit two weeks ago, I’ve logged 42.74km (that’s 26.55 miles) over eight runs, with a total elapsed time of 4’54:33. That’s not bad! Now all I have to do is do it all in one go. (HA.)

  • Amazing All-Stars

    Hooray! It looks like Amazing Race – All Stars is definitely happening, and my favorite team will be coming back. (Sorry, Robert.) Oh man, please let them come to Sydney! I’m on alert.

  • Penn

    The Carbo FamilyThe Carbo Family
    Here he is! Newborn babies are so weird looking, aren’t they? Like tiny old people. (Don’t tell my sister, but I kinda think Penn looks VERY ATTRACTIVE.) (Edited 10 years later.) But it’s nice to see that Amy pulled through okay, though she does look tired. (I don’t blame her.) And how great is Dan’s grin? That is one proud Papa.

    I guess it’s not hard to think of things to be thankful for today after all.

  • Uni Watch

    Uni Watch – a website devoted to the obsessive study of sports uniforms. Surprisingly, I found this fascinating! I’ll have to go back and read more through the archives. The author’s also posted some great pictures of Notre Dame’s green jerseys from last week.

  • Asexual Turkey Reproduction

    Happy Thanksgiving! Did you know that turkeys can reproduce asexually? That utterly and completely blows my mind.

  • Baby Update

    Baby Update: I left you on a cliffhanger, didn’t I? Well, my poor sister has been on a bit of a rollercoaster ride for the past 48 hours. They doped her up with pitocin to induce labor but nothing was happening. Then her blood pressure started climbing and the baby’s heart started racing, so they took her off. The doctor checked her out though and gave them the okay to put her back on. I’m getting updates every few hours from Mom. The latest word is “She’s doing good. In active labor now. Lots of pain. Waiting on Dr. Don’t think it will be long!” Man, having a baby is hard.

    Three hours later: They’re wheeling her in for a C-section. Positive thoughts would be appreciated!

    Six hours later: He’s out! The little sucker is finally officially out of the womb. Penn Joseph Carbo weighed 9lbs 10oz and is 21 1/4″ long. He’s apparently covered in black hair and looks just like my sister did when she was a baby. (I always thought she looked like a monkey, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt until they send me a photo.)

  • How English Are You?

    How English Are You? Well, we left London five years ago today and I’m proud to announce that I still scored 73%! Of course, I only learned the correct answer to the jam and cream question this past weekend. Thanks, Snookums. (Link courtesy of the thoroughly upper-crust kirsty.)

  • Nudie Tapestry

    Drumroll please…
    You all remember how Ma and Pa Snook brought us a pile of crafty stuff from his Grandma’s house, right? Well, I’ve kept you all in suspense for long enough. It’s time to unveil the masterpiece. I call this composition: “Nudie Tapestry and My Cat’s Ass.”Nudie Tapestry

    She’s actually way more tasteful than I expected. (The tapestry woman, I mean, not our cat.) The thing is fully the length of the back of our couch too, so it’s going to be a monster to hang. I’m hoping it gives a “boudoir” feeling to our IKEAesque living room.