Check it out! My Roald Dahl site won an award!
Author: Kris
Everybody’s talking about the big Eastenders shocker tonight. I don’t get why they keep calling it an “incest” storyline though. *Spoiler alert for UK fans!* It’s about a family of five sisters, where the youngest one is actually the eldest one’s daughter. She was too young to raise a child, so the family covered it up and the parents raised her as their own. But unless the father is somehow related to them, I really don’t see how it qualifies as “incest.” It’s not a friggin’ V.C. Andrews story.
Update: It is a V.C. Andrews story. Read the comments at your own risk. (Bigtime spoilers.)
The Irish are 0-3 for the first time ever, and the vultures are starting to circle Coach Bob Davie. If he doesn’t pull a win out of his ass soon, they’ll run him out of town.
That airplane guy I mentioned yesterday is sorry. He didn’t mean it to be an airplane. And besides, his mother says, kids always taunted him about his spinal disability. WHAT?
“Royal Mail unveils ‘interactive’ stamps.” Cool! I want a scratch ‘n’ sniff stamp!
This is scary. To me, the Chicago skyline is much more personally significant than the New York one.
My weblog anagram is wedged-boss. I like that. What’s yours?
Congrats to Jann on impending Daddy-hood. It’s a good thing.
An American-born football player over here (that’s “soccer player” for some of you) claims that during a match he saw one of the opposing team’s fans making an “airplane gesture” at him. Which is terrible and all… but what the hell is an “airplane gesture”? Everything I can think of would be just as equally applicable to a bird or something. How does this guy know for sure that the person was referring to the tragedy?