Author: Kris

  • Weekend Update

    Weekend Update: My knitting mojo has returned, I’m happy to say. My hands are aching with the effort of constructing the Cutest. Outfit. Ever. for my impending nephew. The Snook also took me to see Little Miss Sunshine, which I’d been hearing rave reviews about. To be honest I didn’t laugh that much. I enjoyed it (way more than Kevin did, actually) but none of it struck me as knee-slappingly hilarious. (And whoever it was at Knitting Guild who said she cried? I did not get that at all.) I do think that Olive did a better version of that song than Bobby Flynn did.

    And the other thing I did? I caught a cold. I feel like crap.

  • NaBloPoMo

    While the Snook will be growing out his facial hair for Movember, I’ll be participating in NaBloPoMo. Basically, it means I have to post something here every day for a month. Hey, I do that anyway! This’ll be fun.

  • Period

    The women of MetaFilter answer the question: “How does it feel to have your period?” There’s a really good range of experiences represented there (including my own). Personally, I’m just glad to see a lot of other people mentioning downing ibuprofen like M&Ms. I mean, I hope they don’t get sick like I did, but at least it makes me feel a little less like a freak.

  • Jordana Paige

    TC News: Our new shipment of Jordana Paige bags has finally arrived in the shop! But unfortunately none of the new colours have been sent. (I’m a bit partial to the red satchel myself.) We did get the Knitting Needle Storage Box though, and I’m happy to report that it’s a lot bigger and more solid-looking than it appears in the pictures.

  • Reminder…

    This morning the Snook was getting dressed for work when his mobile phone buzzed. “You’ve got a message,” I said. “Do you want me to read it?” “Sure,” he said. I clicked on it and nearly fell over. It said: “REMINDER – TAKE A POOP THURSDAY 8:30AM-11:00AM.” What in the world? “It’s a reminder,” I yelled back. “You’re supposed to take a poop!” And then I collapsed laughing. He claims that he and Hank were merely testing out whether Google Calendar’s SMS reminder service would work in Australia, and that he entered that as a joke test item. Uh-huh. “Hey, if you have to schedule your bodily functions, I don’t judge!” At any rate, it looks like the SMS service works. We haven’t determined yet whether there’s any cost associated.

  • Biggest Loser DVD

    Those of you watching my training log (down there on the right) may have noticed that I’ve been doing a lot of workouts from the Biggest Loser DVD lately. I picked it up at Kmart a few weeks ago hoping that it would provide some exercise variety on rainy days. It’s actually really good! Trainer Bob leads six of the contestants from the US show through four different workouts (plus warm-up and stretch). I’ve been alternating the “Low Intensity Cardio” and “Strength & Sculpt” options for a while now. It’s funny; I was never a huge Bob fan while watching the show but I’ve definitely warmed to his style on the DVD. The hilarious part is that he knows the Bob fans are watching, and he totally plays up to it. He keeps turning to look straight in the camera and say things like, “You are looking so great. You are fantastic. You can do anything. I’M SO PROUD OF YOU.” (And cheesy as it is, it still works on me!) Unfortunately yesterday I thought I’d step it up to the “High Intensity Cardio”… and today I can’t move. I think it was all the trunk rotations and punches. My lower back is KILLING ME. And of course, I can’t take any ibuprofen, so I’ve just been gritting my teeth and rubbing Voltarin on it all day. So if you see me moving like an elderly person this week, that’s why. I did it all for the love of Trainer Bob.

  • Dooce

    This article about Dooce reveals what the mysterious lawsuit was that re-triggered her depression this past summer. I’ll admit I was a little curious about that.

  • Beaconsfield scarf

    Remember the massive scarf being knit to commemorate the rescue of the Beaconsfield miners? It’s growing…

  • Hal Higdon

    I just found Hal Higdon‘s excellent running site. He’s got dozens of training plans on there, including this Novice Half-Marathon that looks pretty promising. The Sydney Half-Marathon is next May, which means we’ve got about seven months to train. He suggests that you can stretch the plan out by doing each week twice, which should work out pretty well. In the more immediate future, there’s an 8K Fun Run on Australia Day. (Didn’t I say we were done for the summer? Sheesh.)

  • Facial Expressions

    Israeli researchers have shown that facial expressions may be hereditary. That’s fascinating! I would’ve thought it was just learned, the way you have your mother’s laugh or your father’s voice. But doing the experiment with blind people blows that out of the water. Neat!