Did I mention we’re thinking of getting a cat? Because we are. I just came across what must be the biggest innovation in feline-human interaction ever: a computerised cat door that will only let the kitty in if she’s not holding something in her mouth. How cool is that? (Link courtesy of Matt, who got it from Quadra.)

Toni Morrison’s come out in support of that Gone With the Wind parody I mentioned before. Apparently so have Harper Lee and Pat Conroy. Is Harper Lee still alive? I didn’t know that. And wasn’t “To Kill a Mockingbird” her only novel? Wow.

If you downloaded my Simple Poll System to try out at your own site, you should know that I just fixed a bug that cropped up when you tried to view the results before anyone had voted. Re-download the source files and just replace “pollresults.php” if you need to.

New Poll: In honor of my lunch today, a new poll has been started. Please take two seconds to give me your views on the gift from the gods that is hummus.
Results from the old poll: Well, apparently you guys didn’t notice much of a change in the site. By “new design”, I was referring to the now full-screen page width and the row of colored boxes down the left side of the page. As Snookums pointed out though, these aren’t big changes and only design-obsessed geeks like me would even notice. I was basically doing the cyber-equivalent of “Do you notice anything differently about me?”, and you guys were giving me the stammering boyfriend “Uh, no?” act. Point taken.

Download Prince Harry Desktop Wallpaper! My friend Liz always did prefer Harry to Wills, because she liked the fact that he looked awkward and not quite so smart, which she thought would make him a little bit more fun. I’m not sure about that, but he does look better now that he’s hit puberty. (Link courtesy of NIMISIS, which has been promoted to my weblogs list.)

Sorry about the lack of updates. The blog will remain on hiatus until there’s something interesting to report…