Someone on AskMetaFilter wonders: Why do you wear makeup? Well, I don’t normally wear makeup, but I do today! I just had my free little makeover at Clinique. Here the results. I don’t know if you can see very much in that picture, but I took a poll amongst everybody at work (and at tonight’s Stitch and Bitch) and the results were overwhelmingly positive. I think the only real problem I have with it is the SHININESS. The blush and the lipstick are a little over-the-top for me (and the Snook agrees). I really like the eyes though, and as much as it annoys me to say it, I think I may have to start wearing mascara. It just really brings out my eyes and makes me seem more alert (and less tired). I still just feel weird about the concept of me wearing makeup though. People in that MetaFilter thread said it makes them feel polished and sophisticated, but I always feel like a little girl playing dress-up. Is that just a case of not being used to it? I just feel really silly and obvious, like other people will look at me and think that I’m trying too hard or something. (Plus there’s the whole “men aren’t expected to wear crap on their faces” feminist argument that I still partially identify with.) Ucccchhh, I dunno. I gotta go wash my face so I can feel like myself again.
I did manage to escape without buying anything though, which was a victory. Maybe I’ll try it again at a different counter and see if they do it differently. Any suggestions?