Author: Kris

  • RunningBlog

    This Sunday the Snook and I will be competing in our THIRD race together, the 9K Bridge Run. Can you believe it? And we’ve already started thinking about what our next event will be. This running thing has gotten a bit addictive. We’re not even that good at it! I found a great calendar at CoolRunning Australia and we’re having a look. I think this Sydney Summer Series sounds interesting. It’s a program of after-work events where you have to navigate various courses around the city. We can pretend we’re on The Amazing Race!

    Anyway, Sunday. Yeah. Our original goal was to finish in an hour, and I’m hoping that’s still achievable. Unfortunately we’ve had a week and a half off due to my stomach, and we both put on a few kilos. (I’m hoping it’s just water weight.) We had a good run last night and I’m just looking forward to running down the middle of the Bridge on Sunday!

  • Halloween Ideas

    AskMetaFilter tackles Halloween costumes for couples. I liked Spy versus Spy, Bob Ross and Happy Tree, Yoshimi and a Pink Robot, and the one where one person is a pilot and one is a snake. (That will never not be funny.) Fortunately no one came up with the concept the Snook and I will be using this year. I CAN’T TELL YOU BECAUSE IT’S A SECRET, but it’s going to be great.

  • BBQ Invitation

    Famous Australian Wildlife
    The invitations are going out, folks!

    Update: Toast feels my invite needs a few modifications

  • Tiny Fast Food

    Tiny Fast Food. That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. (Link courtesy of not martha.)

  • Knitty!

    The new Knitty is out, and normally I’d be pointing out all the patterns I like… but I’m afraid that’s impossible because my brain has fallen out. And it’s all this article‘s fault. I just might be insane to try that method one of these days.

  • The War on Flair

    The War on Flair
    Leanne and Mel are trying to convince me that the staff in the shop (including me) should wear knitted accessories. Every day. Like a uniform. It this goes through, I may have to launch a subversive counterattack. I’m thinking a knitted squid hat, shadow-knit robot scarf, Skull Socks of Fury… or maybe just one of these

  • Happy birthday, Roald!

    Happy birthday, Roald! Can you believe I actually forgot? What amused me about this article is that I’ve actually met one of the people quoted. Amanda Conquy is the one who initially contacted me eight years ago about the domain (which I owned). I happily signed it over to them, of course. She also put me into contact with Felicity Dahl and helped arrange my visit in 2000. Glad to see she’s still promoting Dahl’s work!

  • Snakes on a Sock

    I do believe my next pair of socks will use the Snakes on a Sock pattern. They even provide some pretty sweet gift tags! (Link courtesy of Elemi.)

  • Chop Chop!

    It’s a good time to be a fan of rice paper rolls. In addition to Vermicelli (which I’ve blogged about before), a new shop called Chop Chop has recently opened up down the street from our shop. I’m in heaven! Vermicelli have better rice paper rolls and soup (I always get the chicken and sweetcorn), while Chop Chop have better Asian bread rolls. And Leanne and I just made a huge discovery: Chop Chop deliver FOR FREE in the CBD! So now I don’t even have to go out when it’s cold or rainy; they’ll walk my food down the block for me. Sweeeet.

  • Christmas

    I went into the David Jones Food Hall last night and was greeted by stacks of Christmas chocolate. IN SEPTEMBER. See, this is what happens in a country without Halloween and Thanksgiving to act as Christmas levees.