Snookums and I were discussing this experiment at AOL London today. Apparently all clocks and watches were covered up to see if people would work more efficiently when they weren’t stressing about how much time they had to finish their tasks. Unfortunately I don’t think such a thing would work for me. Ever since college, I’ve had a pathological inability to get anything done unless I have a deadline staring me in the face. (Which reminds me, check out my new watch!)

I was just chatting with my mom on IM and expressing my disgust at the fact that Dubya is apparently going to give this year’s commencement address at ND. She responded with the perfect encapsulation of what I hope 50% of the American public are currently thinking:

    Mom: yeh, well, he’s kinda turning into a weenie or else I was pretty blind before

Ahh, the remorse of the Republican voter. Is it too early to start chanting “Gore in ’04”?

Every news site on the Web is screaming about the Oscars today, so I figured resistance would be futile. I didn’t watch the actual show (they only show it on cable here, and at some crazy ass early hour of the morning), so I was pretty eager to check the Net and see how I did in Kel‘s contest. Being a lazy sort of person, I had put all my faith in Ebert and used his picks for my own. Suffice it to say, we got our ass(es) kicked. I was glad to see how much the awards had been spread around, but I still think “Gladiator” as Best Film is a total joke. My disappointment on that front was thankfully mitigated, though, by the immense glee I got out of discovering that Kate Hudson lost while wearing an atrocious silver fringed gown. It’s all downhill from here, Penny Lane.