Author: Kris

  • Crappy Week

    I should probably explain what I meant by saying I was having a “crappy week.” See, I’m a worrier. I’m always worrying. And right now at work we’re leading up to our annual sale, which happens to be when we do most of our business for the year. It’s really, really important that the sale is successful. I also want the sale to be successful on our website, since that’s my particular baby and I want to justify all the effort I put into it. So all this sale preparation is stressful at the best of times… and then you add in the fact that we’re extremely low on staff this year. I love the staff that I do have; I think they’re all awesome at what they do. But I don’t want to kill every bit of enthusiasm they have for their jobs by piling on too many hours and too much stress. And then there’s the bigger issue of reliability… *sigh* Because just because a person is good at their job, doesn’t mean they always turn up. So for all of these reasons, I worry. And everybody else tells me not to worry, and that makes me worry even more. I mean, somebody should be worrying, right?

    Anyway, I trudged off to my ceramics class last night in the hopes that sticking my hands in some clay might bring some Zen balance to my head. Surprisingly, for a while it did! I made a nice, big thick bowl and then my first reasonably successful straight sided pot. We also learned how to “turn” our work from the week before, which basically consists of spinning it on the wheel like a lathe and carving off bits with a wire tool. (Mine were a little too wet still so I’m saving them til next week.) Then I tried to throw one final pot, but the worries were starting to creep back in. And you know what? It’s impossible to center a pot when you’re not centered yourself. In the end, I scrapped it. I guess knowing when to quit brings a kind of balance too…

  • Race Photographs

    Post RaceThe Mother’s Day Classic Official Race Photographs are now online! (They’ve disabled direct-linking but such strategems are no match for the Snook.) They got a funny one of me running, a nice one of Snookums charging towards the finish line, and this lovely one of the two of us immediately after finishing. (I’m still not used to how I look.) Now we need to set our next challenge. I’m thinking we definitely need to do the City 2 Surf in August, which is 14km through the city out to Bondi Beach. A month after that is the Blackmores Half-Marathon, which is 21km. What do you runners think? Is four months enough time to train for a half-marathon? Or should we just make the City 2 Surf our big event for this year and do the shorter (9K) Bridge Run the month after?

  • Flowers for me!

    moblogged image

    Look! Some sweet person sent me flowers to cheer me up from the crappy week I’ve been having. (I think it was Raelee.) Secret flowers are the best!

  • Mythbusting Metafilterian!

    Dude! How did I not know that Adam Savage (of Mythbusters fame) is a fellow MetaFilterian?

  • VM gets a third season!

    Hooray! Veronica Mars has been renewed for a third season. Now at least we’ll get to find out what the McGuffin in Kendall’s briefcase was…

  • Wheel Throwing

    Just found a nice photo tutorial on wheel throwing, which should be helpful for me at my second pottery class tonight. We did all that stuff in the first class but it’s hard to really see the hand positions when everything’s moving around. I especially like the pictures where they’ve cut the pot in half so you can see exactly what you should be doing to pull the sides up.

  • DietBlog

    I’m doin’ the dance of joy! I lost another 400g to take me back down to 78.1kg. That means I’ve fully recovered from the setbacks of the past month and I’m once again within my healthy BMI range. (And I successfully made up for the burrito!) My official total loss now stands at 22kg. (I’m only about 1.5lb shy of 50lbs lost, which is going to be a big milestone.) I’d still ultimately like to get down to about 75kg, and I think I’d also like to get into a size 12. As it is the 14 is a little roomy, so I’d rather not end up stuck in between. And since it surprised my sister the other day, I’ll just add that Australian sizes seem to run bigger than American ones, and I’m pretty sure I’m a 12 already in the U.S. At any rate, the size 14 jeans my Mom brought me from Old Navy are wicked loose on me. So yay! (Okay, I’ll stop bragging.)

    Our meeting tonight was a lot of fun, mostly because I sat next to an awesome new girl named Roberta. She lost 2kg in her first week! Her enthusiasm and excitement just took me back to my first week, and it really fired me up to see this journey right through to the end. It’s also funny to see how nothing has really changed since that first week for me. I’m still talking up a storm in the meeting and happily collecting my Bravo Stars for my accomplishments. (Tonight’s was for the Race. My little Star Corral is getting full!) Only two more weeks til I get the “Key” charm for my keychain and get to become a Lifetime Member. I’m nearly there…

  • More Porn

    Hmm. I just went to my Recent Documents list and saw… this.

    More Porn

    See the problem? It looks like my little sign didn’t stop the abuse…

  • Race Results

    The Race results are now available! Snookums and I finished 916th and 917th out of 1060 runners. In my gender/age group I was 139th out of 161, and he was 60th out of 62. Amongst all females, I was 592nd out of 711 and he was 325th out of 348. You know, that makes our performance sound a lot crappier than it was. I’m going to chalk it up to the fact that the 8K run is pretty self-selecting, and most of the people who go for it are the “serious” runners. Everybody who was really unfit or just out for a laugh did one of the 4K events. So I refuse to let my feelings of accomplishment be diminished!

    Addendum: The Snook would like it to be known if the race had taken place two months later (i.e. after his 30th birthday), his standing within his age group would have been much better.

  • Canberra

    Why is Canberra so much cooler than the rest of Australia? Fireworks… porn… civil unions… Why can’t we get us some of that in New South Wales?