Someone is asking MetaFilter: Was Corey Haim’s character in Lost Boys gay? I had honestly never even entertained the notion.
Author: Kris
After the interview I high-tailed it over to the weigh-in. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I know I went over Points at least three days last week – including one serious blowout at Tia’s birthday party – but I also did a heck of a lot of exercising to make up for it. Turns out it paid off in the end! I lost another .9kg, which brings me to 18.4kg lost in total. And I turned right around and had a minor blowout at dinner tonight… but it was so worth it. My Valentine made me homemade chocolate mousse atop a heart-shaped piece of cake, studded with rum-soaked raspberries. I guess it’s back to work tomorrow!
Related note: I’m starting to have a severe clothing problem. I have – no joke – ONE pair of pants that fit me, and even they’re a little big. I’ve been getting by cinching everything up with a belt, but that’s starting to look ridiculous. Anybody want to help me buy some new clothes?
It’s on!
Just got the call from Radio 2GB. The interview is definitely on tonight! 7:20 pm on 873AM. I’m not skipping my damn meeting though; I’m having them call me on my mobile. 🙂
Later: I did it! Felt like I talked a mile a minute, so we’ll have to review the tape to see if I’m intelligible. I managed to work in references to the shop (of course), Sydney Sity Klickers, Sydney Stitch N Bitch, and even Helen and Katherine (the girls spinning in Centrepoint). Snookums snagged a recording so we should have it up later tonight for those who missed it.
Much later: Here is is! That’s a 1.2MB MP3. You know, my voice sounds really weird. I get such a mixed reaction to my accent these days – Americans think I sound Australian; Australians think I sound American. I can actually hear both in that clip. Some phrases sound almost Valley Girl (where did that come from?), while other words are almost Strine (like “bikini”). Mostly I’m just relieved because I sound a lot less dumb than I did in my head. I got in a few good anecdotes and I didn’t stumble over my words too much. (Though the latent high school speech team impromptu speaker in me winces every time I hear myself say “Um…”) Snookums and I listened to it, and I’m like, “I’m damned charismatic! Where’s my TV show?”
The best ski masks ever
The best ski masks EVER. Why isn’t anybody at the Olympics wearing these? (Link courtesy of the Snook, via Hank.)
Muslim Australia
Now that’s a novel argument. Some crazy-ass conservative Member of Parliament is arguing that Tony Abbott should retain control of RU486… because Australia is aborting so many babies that the country will be Muslim in fifty years. (Reading insanity like that always makes me want to use Moire’s favorite emoticon: O_o) My favorite bit of the article is the comment made by someone else in her own Coalition: “I think Danna’s on her own on that one.” HA! I can’t wait to see her next bit of proposed legislation, which is sure to tackle the related problem of those of us of breeding age who choose to remain childfree and thus contribute to Australia’s falling birth rate… and Islamisation. Although I’m a foreigner, so she probably wants to put me in Woomera anyway.
The Biggest Loser
Did anybody else, like, get tears in their eyes watching The Biggest Loser tonight? No? Just me then? Well, it was emotional. In terms of personal identification, Fiona is the one I immediately gravitated towards. She’s just about the size I was when I joined WW last April, and seeing her step on the scales in her underwear was like looking in a mirror. (Well, a mirror that sees into the past.) In terms of emotion, Kristie, Cat, and Shane were the ones I felt the most for. And even though I’m now quite public with my weight loss process, I can totally identify with the ridiculous feeling that somehow if people don’t know your actual weight, they won’t realize that you’re fat. The show wasn’t all highlights though: the whole “gluttony” segment with the room full of food was a bit overdone, and what’s with the way that Jillian woman always scrunches up her nose? I hate her already. (And I hope somebody quickly teaches Bob how to pronounce “Aussies” correctly.)
mx article
Here it is. Not a bad picture in the end, though they spelled my name wrong, of course. (Trivia: He wanted Melissa and I to be sharing a laugh so at this moment we’re actually discussing her humongous pregnant boobs.) I also enjoyed the fact that – despite speaking to the journalist for fully ten minutes – they chose to use only one quote, and that was the most vapid, clichéd thing I said the whole time. (She kept asking me about whether knitting was “relaxing,” and in desperation I dragged out the old “knitting is the new yoga” chestnut. And I immediately felt like a tool. So of course that’s what they used.) I’d also like to point out that I actually said I “probably wouldn’t” be entering the fastest knitter contest (mostly because Rose Hill is difficult to get to when you live in the city, work all day, and don’t have a car). Oh, and I have no idea what that title means. NO IDEA. She didn’t get that from me.
Radio Interview
This is just my week of total media convergence. I just got a call from someone at Radio 2GB who read my article in mx today (I haven’t even seen it yet!) and wanted to know I’d like to be interviewed on Murray Wilton’s “The Good Life” tonight. Sure, why not? I am the Queen of Craft this week, apparently. (Can you feel the momentum gathering? My TV show can’t be far off.) If any of you Sydneysiders want to listen to me make a blathering fool out of myself, they’re supposed to ring me around 7:20pm tonight. It’s on 873AM.
Oh, and they apparently have live streaming over the Internet too, so you international types can have a listen as well… (Though of course, the Snook will be recording it so I can post it afterwards.)
Update: Ack! They may have to bump me til tomorrow! I’ve got Fat Fighters tomorrow! Which will win out, my obsession with WW or my need for public exhibitionism? More details to come…
Still later: I think I’ve been bumped. It’s well after the time they said she’d call and they’re on to the cooking segment. Damn. I skipped kickboxing tonight to be here by the phone, and now I’ve got to decide whether to skip the meeting tomorrow. I am officially bummed.
Much later: That was the most boring radio show I’ve ever listened to in my life. I’m going to WW, celebrity be damned. They can call me on my mobile if they want to chat.
I got suckered into buying a bottle of h2go sparkling tangerine today. I figured it couldn’t be that bad for me, given that it’s basically just water with a little flavouring added. It was only hours later when I was inputting my WW Points for the day that I realized the stuff has 1.5 Points per bottle! I’m better off drinking Diet Coke.
Ask the Industry
The BBC News website has been running a series of “Ask the Industry” articles, where regular people send in their questions about the future of the entertainment industry and they “theoretically” get answered by industry executives. I say “theoretically” because the answers the execs give are piss-weak. First we had digital music, and now we have digital film. Read and marvel as these PR robots try desperately to not give a single honest answer to these simple questions. For example, “What’s the point of DRM?” Most of the answers amount to: “Without DRM, the legitimate ways you have of paying for music would not be possible,” which doesn’t actually answer the question. (And then of course you get the Napster idiot at the end claiming that somehow their DRM isn’t as bad as Apple’s, because it works with more MP3 players or something.) It’s all wank. Also note the perfectly valid question about “Why do movie companies still insist on DVD region encoding?”, to which the only real response the idiots offer is “Because they can.” (Okay, so the classification excuse isn’t a bad one, but that doesn’t stop kids from getting region-free discs from elsewhere…) It’s like watching a Presidential debate, where each person only answers the question they want to hear without respect to the words that were actually uttered.