Great diet-related question over on AskMetaFilter. No, I didn’t ask it, but I sure read it. (For what it’s worth, I don’t think I’m suffering a lot of sagginess. I haven’t been carrying the weight for long enough to really destroy the elasticity, I think.)
Author: Kris
After Howard’s depressing statement about same-sex marriage this week, the minor RU486 victory is especially sweet. I couldn’t sum up the issue any better than Moment to Moment. I wonder if sending a letter to our representative would do any good, seeing as how I’m not technically a voting citizen just yet…
Knitting Olympics
Knitting Olympics Update: Well, I’ve finally decided what I’m going to do: I’m going to finish the cardigan I started for my friend’s daughter, Marianne. It’s about half done and I’ve been dragging my feet for weeks, mostly because I think I might have been a bit ambitious with the design. But now that I’ve got a definite deadline, maybe I can get in gear and get this out to her before she’s too big to wear it. I hope.
MX Interview
“Phone call for Media Whore…”
I just got interviewed! MX (that free paper they had out at train stations, etc) is going to be running a story related to this Fastest Knitter Competition thingo, and they wanted to talk to a “young knitter.” As I tend to talk, you know, a lot, I got volunteered for the position. According to Vanessa, the journalist, it’s supposed to run on Monday. So you Sydneysiders should be sure to grab a copy!Later: We just had the accompanying photoshoot. Since the photographer changed the times on us so often, it ended up being just me, Mel, and a random lady we dragged in from the shop. I was really disappointed we couldn’t wait for Tia, who was looking fabulous today and certainly would improved the shot!
I can open wide!
Just had my final wisdom tooth check-up with Dr. Wong, and he gave me a sticker! Upon further reflection though, it could be read as sorta rude.
“Howard says no to same sex marriage.” Awww, I wonder who proposed to him. Ruddock?
Evidently serving customers does me good! I was a little apprehensive about the weigh-in tonight, mostly because I didn’t do much exercise last week once I got my wisdom teeth out. But there it was – 82.6kg. That’s another 1.1kg lost, which brings me to 17.5kg in total. (That’s 38.5lb for the non-metrics.) I have to say, I really think the novelty of using the “eTools” on the WW site is what’s driving this recent surge. I’m tracking EVERYTHING, even the meals that I’d normally write off as too much trouble to look up. (Like last Saturday when I had movie popcorn and then four slices of pizza.) My only annoyance is when I enter my weight and the thing says: “It looks like you’re losing weight too fast. This might lead to health problems.” Dude, I’m not wasting away here. I’m losing because I’ve still got a fair amount to lose. So quit giving me grief, website!Tonight’s meeting was really good. Megan got a lot more staff so there was no sign of the queues we had last week (that went out the door). Our topic was “support,” and I brought up the fact that I decided pretty early on not to be embarrassed by this process, and that I was going to blog about it on my personal site. This means I have a great support network – that literally spans the globe – who talk me through the bad times and help me celebrate the great moments. I was a little surprised to learn, though, just how many of the other members don’t share their experiences. A lot of them are embarrassed about being there. As the girl sitting next to me said, “I haven’t told any of my friends. It would be like having to admit to them that I’m fat.” Which I can get… and which I also don’t get. I mean, I had about five minutes there at the beginning where I thought I’d keep it quiet, but who am I kidding? You guys have seen me. I was big. Being coy about the numbers doesn’t change that fact. So it was a bit of an eye-opener, especially when Megan mentioned that when we see each other on the street, we should probably avoid mentioning WW in case other people should overhear. And now I feel kinda bad, because this thought just never occurred to me. I’ve actually seen ladies in the shop carrying bags with Nibblies (WW branded chips that you can only buy at meetings) and I’m all, “Hey, Weight Watcher! What meeting do you go to?” And they sorta freeze and then flee. So it was a good lesson for me to learn. Not everybody puts her life out there for public consumption, and I shouldn’t assume that other people are as open about their struggles as I am. They should be, though; come out of the fat closet, folks! …But I’ll try to be more respectful in the future.
What I Need to Do at Work This Week:
- Tackle a backlog of Internet orders and e-mail enquiries
- Liase with the Arts Coordinator at the Royal Easter Show about sponsoring some prizes in the craft division this year
- Work on the Queen Adelaide website (a trammed tapestry company we own) so we can get it online and making money
- Contact Sydney retirement villages about organizing possible day trips/events at the shop
- Continue adding items to the shop website so people quit calling and griping about things that are missing
What I’m Actually Doing at Work This Week:
- Standing at the counter serving customers, because other members of staff can’t be bothered to turn up
It’s reeeeally frustrating.
Later: Well, that makes up for it! Thelma Mackenzie came in again and brought me more chocolate!
Sexual Averages
Sexual Averages. Fascinating. At the very least, you can now work out how many Weight Watchers Points you earn gettin’ bizzay… (I can’t believe I just said that.)
Mackenzies Chocolates
A special thanks to the Mackenzie family of Santa Cruz, California, who chatted with me in the shop today and gave me a sample of their fine chocolates. It went a long way towards improving my case of “the Mondays”!