I’m so excited about the contest this year, I posted it to MeFi Projects.
Author: Kris
Oscar Contest has officially launched
It’s that time, folks! The Fourth Annual Web-Goddess Oscar Contest has officially launched. I’ve added a few more awards categories this year (to hopefully lessen the odds of a tie) but otherwise it works exactly the same.
But Kris, you ask, what do we win? Hold on to your hats. If you manage to reign supreme this year, you will win none other than your very own pair of gay sock monkey cowboys. (I know! You’re like, “She didn’t.” But I totally did.) They’re rainbow… They have cowboy hats and boots… And they share the love that dare not speak its name. They are my greatest sock creations of all time. What to see more?I’m calling them Ennis and Jack, but you are, of course, free to rename them.
A close-up of their faces. As you can see, I left off the mouths. These are men of few words.
They’re knockin’ boots! Check out that embroidery work. I even put spurs on them!
Frequently Asked Sock Monkey Questions:
- Do you have these for sale?
No, unfortunately I don’t. I’ve sold sock monkeys in the past but, to be honest, the amount most people are willing to pay doesn’t nearly cover the effort involved. They’re surprisingly labor-intensive! Tha’s why I only give them away as prizes now. Of course, you’re welcome to make me an offer I can’t refuse… - Are these knitted?
Nope! While I can knit socks, these sock monkeys are actually made out of cheap knee socks purchased at K-Mart. - Where did you get the hats and boots?
I managed to find the hats at the last minute at Spotlight at Birkenhead Point, but it was the third or fourth store I tried. You should probably ring around. (I was soooo happy to get them. They really “make” the whole project.) For the boots, I first played around with some paper templates til I had a boot shape I liked. Then I cut them out of felt and hand-stitched them together. I also added small silver star charms for spurs and decorative stitching. - How can I make my own?
Easy! Just check out my tutorial. - Can I put these pictures on my website?
You’re welcome to put my pictures on your site as long as you give me credit for them, and you save them to your own webserver. I pay for all my webhosting out-of-pocket so I can’t afford to subsidise your bandwidth. So right-click and save the images to your own hard-drive, and then upload them to your own webspace. Thanks!
- Do you have these for sale?
Oscar Contest
The 4th Annual Web-Goddess Oscar Contest will start later today! Stay tuned…
On a related note, we saw Walk the Line with Amy last night. My reaction was pretty much the same as Ebert‘s – the story was your basic predictable biopic but the real redeeming factors were the acting and the music. Joaquin Phoenix has always struck me as a little creepy, and that definitely hasn’t changed. He was so good as Cash, though, that now I kinda think of Johnny Cash as a little creepy too. I was all set for Reese Witherspoon to drive me up the wall – from her very first Minnie Pearl “Thanks, y’all!” at the Grand Ol’ Opry – but she completely won me over. In fact, I had been expecting to be blown away by this grand fairy tale romance but by the end of it, I just felt sad and angry at how June had been manipulated by this guy for years. And proposing to her on stage? That was the biggest dick move of all. I came straight home to look her up and find out if she wrote any autobiographies. (She did.) I know they were together for thirty-five years and all evidence points to them being very much in love… but I hope to hell he was the most Perfect Husband on Earth, because he had a lot to make up for. Now if you’ll go excuse me, I’ve got to search the P2P networks for “Swallerin’ Place.”
Oh good grief. My sister just alerted me to the fact that Australia is currently suffering a bed bug invasion. Granted, it sounds like most of the trouble is in the tropical parts of Queensland so we’re definitely too far away to worry. Our biggest problem at the moment is ants. This is the second summer in a row we’ve been invaded by tiny little black ants. I hates them forever! And after a few years of avoiding them, it seems the mozzies are finally back after me with a vengeance. I managed to get bitten about a dozen times on my way home from WW Tuesday. I didn’t discover most of the bites til Thursday morning. (“You look like you’re po, Kristy!” “I know, Snookums!”) -
Um, excuse me Channel 10? Just what in the hell did you mean with that teaser proclaiming next week’s episode of Veronica Mars to be the “season finale”?? From where I’m sitting, it looks like episode 11 out of 22. Does this mean we’re going to be TAKING A BREAK from the only good show you currently have? Am I going to have to wait MONTHS to find out who killed Lilly (and where Veronica’s Mom is and who her Dad really is and why that scary guy falsely confessed and why Duncan dumped Veronica, etc)? If this is the way you’re going to behave, I’m going to have to spurn you yet again in favor of the Internets. I need my fix of Logan and Weevil.
Siskel and Ebert Muppets
I didn’t know Siskel and Ebert were Muppets! That’s amusing. I like that Ebert was randomly blue.
The Amazing Human Body
Ooh, The Amazing Human Body is opening in Sydney! It’s that exhibit of cadavers where they’ve been “plastinated” and you can see everything inside. Thanks to Dr. Wong for telling me about it yesterday! (Evidently the fact that I chose to keep my own teeth indicated to him that I’d also have a morbid interest in a scientific exhibit of flayed corpses.)
Get me the Elephant Gun.
“Get me the elephant gun…”
Oh, that Dr. Wong is such a card. Today’s procedure was even quicker and smoother than the last one. For some reason, though, this time it took a lot more anesthetic to numb the right side of my face. He’d poke and prod, and I’d go, “Nope, that’s still kinda hurty!” And he’d inject me with some more stuff. At one point, he asked Maria for, like, the fifth hypo of stuff, and she was all, “Really? More?” And I said apologetically, “I’m a horse.” That’s when he busted out the elephant gun line. Ho ho! Eventually we got there though. “Okay, you’re gonna feel some pushing,” he said as he gripped that bottom molar. Literally ten seconds later, that sucker was OUT! It’s hard to be all, “Damn, you’re good!” when you’ve got tubes hanging out of your mouth and half of it’s numb. He put in a stitch and then tackled the upper one. I had visions of the double-ended root pick again, but this one also came out clean with a minimum of yanking. And just like that, I was done! As he was writing up my antibiotics prescription, I mentioned that I’d written up the “root pick experience” on my website last time. “Can I have the address?” So if you’re reading, Dr. Wong, hello! I’m doing just fine. (He said something about printing this out and putting it on the bulletin board, which was very cute. I guess when your business is playing the role of Big Bad in everybody’s worst dental nightmare, you don’t get a lot of positive professional feedback…) -
Doped to the gills!
On the train home from the dentist. The last two wisdom teeth came out pretty easily. No chipmunk cheeks yet! Full recap to be posted when I get home…