Author: Kris

  • Accomplishments

    Friday Accomplishments

    1. I resisted the urge to sleep in and instead met Albie at the university squash courts for an hour-long workout. Good way to start the day.
    2. The Snook and I signed paperwork at the bank to create our first official joint bank account together, which we got so that we can open a savings maximiser and start socking away cash to buy a house. (And so that I can steal all his money.)
    3. Deposited my last two checks from Google, which I forgot I had. Cashing foreign checks is such a hassle.
    4. Spent half the Google money on a 1GB iPod Shuffle. 🙂
    5. Cashed in my “buy-ten-massages-and-get-one-free” card.
    6. Got six months’ worth of new contact lenses.
    7. Hit the grocery store and the fish monger to pick up supplies for my first ever paella tonight. (Needless to say, this will be the first time I’ve ever cooked seafood in my life.)

    And what did you do?

  • Schmoopy

    I’m being all schmoopy over at Tara D’s site.

  • Scandal!

    Scandal! Titsiana the THIEF was just in the shop! It was a tense fifteen minutes as the staff tailed her around the knitting department while the rest of us watched on the cameras in the office. She didn’t steal anything this time, but she did put some stuff on hold and we think she’s going to try to “return” the kit she stole and try to exchange it for other stuff. She was also behaving very oddly with her credit card – asking us what her limit was, etc – so we rang AmEx to alert them that it might have been stolen. It’s like Dragnet in here!

  • Malcolm gets the ax

    Also from the BBC… FOX has cancelled another of our favorite shows. Malcolm in the Middle will finish this year after seven seasons. (I’m praying for a Dewey spin-off.) More intriguing is the quote in that article from some Fox boofhead stating that they’re considering offers from two other networks to pick up Arrested Development. *crosses fingers*

  • Caspian

    It looks like Prince Caspian is going to be the next Narnia movie, and all four kids are returning. I’m really happy about that; it’s actually one of my favorite books in the whole series. I wonder how they’ll do the dryad bits though, since they sorta took them out of the first movie. (Or rather, they turned them into lame “blowing leaves.”) I want to see a full-on bacchanalian dirt feast at the end!

  • Winnie the Pooh Quiz

    I thought I was gonna rock this Winnie the Pooh quiz, but then it turned out to be all about the history and economics of it so I sucked. I got, like, four out of ten.

  • Stitches

    The stitches on my wisdom teeth came out last night. (I had one in each “hole.”) I was brushing my teeth and when I spat, out came a little piece of string with a clearly-identifiable knot at one end. The gross part is that I remember them being black when he put them in, but after two weeks being digested in my mouth they’d turned white. I told you it was gross!

  • Sony on iTMS

    Not that I want to give the bastards any money, but Sony have at last joined the Australian iTunes Music Store. I wonder why they caved.

  • Trivia Update

    Trivia Update: We sucked the big one tonight. We had a good first round – coming in second by one point – but then the wheels really came off in the second. It was our largest team yet and we were doing the thing I hate, the thing where we all talk each other out of correct answers. I missed out on two free jugs by virtue of sending up the boys instead (like they’re going to know “Dracula” or “Jennifer Garner”??). Anyway, here are a few practice ones for you guys:

    • Name the members of Led Zeppelin in the 70’s.
    • Who played Mace Windu, Bail Organa, and Count Dooku?
    • What recreational activity did both Al Jolson and Buster Keaton die while doing?
    • How many tires are on a 747?
    • Which two “Jessicas” won Best Actress Oscars in 1989 and 1994?
    • Which two countries have the most Jewish people?

    (We got the Star Wars one, of course, and I managed to remember the Jessicas… but we flubbed all the rest in one way or another.)

  • WWCalc Link

    Bookmark: (I promise I’ll get off the diet topic as soon as possible.)