They opened the zoo today so the weekend isn’t a total loss. No sign of the murderer. We’re off to see the meerkat feeding! And isn’t my hubbie rockin’ that Hawaiian shirt?
Author: Kris
Christmas Manhunt
Six hours into the trip and we just got a message that they’ve closed the zoo… because there’s a MURDERER on the loose. Seriously. This will be quite the adventure.
Cross Stitch Bookmarks
I know a lot of people who are going to be getting a very special cross stitch bookmark for Christmas next year…
Just Ask Christopher
Have a tricky question? Now you can just ask Christopher. Trust me, he knows his stuff. After all, he invented the Soctopus!
Boob Paintings.
Boob Paintings. That just about says it right there.
Stupid Tourists
We just had an American tourist in the shop asking if our knitting patterns were in ENGLISH. The mind boggles. I told Heather she should have responded in made-up funny-talk. To paraphrase Eleanor Lavish, they really should make travellers pass a test at the airport.
Ebert’s Best 10 Movies of 2005
Ebert’s Best 10 Movies of 2005. Good grief, I haven’t seen ANY of these.
Dubbo Forecast
Oh my stars. Just checked the forecast for Dubbo, where we’re headed for Chrissie this weekend… and a HUNDRED degrees? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I’m gonna melt.
I’m gagging.
Help me; I’m gagging. Seriously.
Americans are Fat
Yeah, yeah, Americans are fat. Tell us something we don’t know. I did object to something in that article though: “…three out of four people in the country will have a body mass index of more than 25, the benchmark of corpulence.” Corpulence? It’s the benchmark for being overweight, but I hardly think that qualifies you for CORPULENCE. I’m currently at 26.7 and I wouldn’t say I’m “excessively fat.” Pudgy, yes. But not friggin’ corpulent. Sheesh. (Also note the graphic of fattest states down there at the bottom. Indiana made the list!)