Author: Kris

  • “The Lion, The Witch, and the Really Foul Candy.” Heh. A lot of kids are going to be in for a shock when they get their first taste of Turkish Delight. Oh, and I could’ve written this article… last year!

  • Dude, how come I never see ads for volunteers to lay in bed for two months until too late?

  • Sydney racial tension

    Since a couple people have asked me about the riots in Sydney, no, they’re not anywhere near us. It’s all way, way out in the suburbs. Just to illustrate, there’s a map of “Sydney” in that article and I thought the BBC had screwed up at first by putting the airport on the northern side of the harbour. However, discussion with the Snook confirmed that the body of water shown is actually Botany Bay, thus most of what people think of as Sydney (and the part we actually live in) is off the screen to the north. So don’t worry about us.

  • Seaside

    Jon just posted a huge and fascinating photo-essay about his recent trip to Seaside, Florida. He and his colleagues were studying New Urbanism, which as I understand it is a form of city-planning that Seaside (and a few other towns) exemplifies. I actually visited Seaside with the fam a few years ago as a break between theme parks, and all we really knew about it was that it was cute and it was “that town from The Truman Show.” It’s interesting to look at Jon’s photos and see a lot of the features (and the reasoning behind them) that we missed.

  • Una’s Feast

    Oh. My. God. We just had our company Christmas Party at Una’s on Broadway… and I have never seen such an amount of food in my life. I’d made the booking and I repeatedly called the guy to confirm that we were bringing twenty people, and since we were having the set banquet menu I was expecting maybe, say, one schnitzel per person, that kind of thing. Instead they just kept bringing out platter after platter of stuff. I swear we had at least SIXTY pieces of deep fried camembert all up, and then there were platters of sausages and sauerkraut and vegetable strudel and two gigantic rosti the size of dinner plates… It was just too, too much. It was easily twice as much food as we could have possibly consumed. It was like some sort of Elizabethan feast. Of course, that kind of excess is just what you need for a holiday gathering! (Yes, I’d given myself permission to pig out. I’ve earned it.) I saw a stack of about eight takeaway boxes awaiting Albert as we waddled off home…

  • Froggy

    Um, just in case you Hoosiers missed it, the actually VOICE OF FROGGY (from Froggy’s Pad) left a comment on my site! I can die now.

  • The Best Christmas Present Ever

    It’s like the best Christmas Present ever.

    84.6kgAs our company Christmas party is Tuesday night, the night of my regular WW meeting, I decided to weigh-in at the CBD lunchtime meeting Monday. A bit of a cheat, sure, but at least now I’ll have a week to work off the party before the next weigh-in! At any rate, I really didn’t think I was going to break 85 this week. I felt like the weekend was a success overall, but in truth I really did eat (and drink) a lot more than I expected to. (I figure I’m carrying at least an extra 400g today from the massive Mexican feast we had at Cafe Pacifico last night.) I guess I balanced it pretty well with my hour-long runs every day. So today I headed over to the Dymocks Building, the site of my old meetings with Emily. I announced myself as a visitor and stepped on the scales, leaning way over to try to glimpse the readout. I could only see the bottom half of the letters upside-down and for a second I thought it read 87. Then I looked up and watched the old lady scrawl in my Passport… and I said, “Eighty-four? ARE YOU JOKING?” “I’m not joking!” she said. I let out a crazy laugh. “I can’t believe it. That means I’ve broken fifteen kilos. That’s the BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER.” I could feel tears welling up. Then I thanked every member of staff in the room and rushed out into the hallway to call the Snook…

    After work I had my third session with the hypnotherapist, who was thrilled to hear about my progress. In fact, after talking with her she predicted that this would be my final meeting with her. I told her that I didn’t have any major issues to work through this week, but rather that I just wanted reinforcement and to keep up my momentum going into the New Year. It was wonderful to just relax and listen to her, especially after my struggles last week. (Did I tell you about that session? Remind me sometime when we’re drinking together. It was like something out of a movie. A movie about a person with multiple personalities. Tears were involved. That’s all I’m saying.)

    But anyway, the glass ceiling – or rather, floor – has been shattered. The voice in my head that was saying “I can’t do this” has gone silent. I’m wearing my red Crocs at this very second, and I plan on wearing the hell out of them this summer. I’ve earned it.

  • Ferrets, Farmer’s Tans, and a Trail Note

    In case you’re wondering what happened to CouchCam, it’s currently facing the wall to avoid offending your delicate sensibilities with the sight of a half-naked Scotsman. That’s right, folks, Ben (aka WeeB, aka The Ferret) is visiting us in Sydney for the first time. He flew in Thursday night and we immediately took him out for a Nepalese feast at House of Kathmandu. (The best part was the complete lack of guilt I felt, given that I’d had a run that morning and watched my Points all day long.) Friday was devoted to giving Ferret a tour of our fair city. We walked for probably five hours all up, taking time in the middle of the day to join the Snook and his co-workers for lunch. It was a bright and beautiful day, and despite my slip, slop, slap I still ended up rockin’ the farmer’s tan. I snapped a couple pictures not realizing that my camera was in some weird overexposure mode, but I kinda like the results:

    Me and Sydney

    Ben and the Bridge

    In the afternoon I went on my longest run yet: all the way down Cleveland Street to the Sydney Cricket Ground, around Fox Studios past the horse stables and up to the start of Centennial Park, then back down Anzac Parade to Cleveland, turning right on Chalmers and running around Central Station before heading back down Broadway to home. Elapsed time: one hour five minutes. Distance: 8.5km (which, due to the fuzziness of my pedometer’s calculations, I’m dubbing “Kristy Mystery units”). I can definitely tell I’m improving though. Once I get warmed up, I don’t really need to stop and walk at all. (What rest I need I’m getting at traffic lights.) I’m also enjoying myself more, and I think I’m starting to get into that mental state runners talk about where you just seem to be able to brainstorm and work things out and solve the problems of the world. Maybe it’s a rhythm thing and I’m getting consistent enough that I go into a kind of self-hypnosis. *shrug* At any rate, it’s nice to finally be able to think about things other than the screaming aches and wearinesses of my own body. When I came to the cricket field at Sydney Boys’ High, I headed to the right intending to skirt along the footpath, but then impulsively I decided to head right across it instead. Nearby a young guy was teaching a little kid to skateboard, and an old couple were throwing tennis balls to their dogs, who were rolling around on the grass in doggy ecstasy… and I just couldn’t help smiling. Some days Sydney just won’t let you be in a bad mood.

  • New Bags!

    *Gasp!* Two new knitting bags from Jordana Paige. We haven’t gotten these in the shop yet, but I am SO ordering in this pink and black tweed messenger bag. I like the satchel too, but it’s not the sort of bag that I’d ever carry. And dude, did I mention that we actually sold one of the graffiti purses? I couldn’t believe it.

  • New sunnies!

    moblogged image

    Damn, it has been hot and sunny these last few days. I’m frantically trying to get the shop website ready for the start of our Christmas sale on Saturday – Shhh! – but I took a few minutes at lunch to buy these from a dodgy geezer outside Coles. They’re supposedly “genuine Ray-Bans” and they set me back $20. (Ray-Ban is at least spelled correctly; no SORNY for me!) And can I just say, I am loving myself sick in this black tank top! I am mesmerized by the sight of my own collarbones. (Related note: I just realized I can tighten my belt to the last hole!)