The Thanksgiving Photos are all uploaded and ready for your perusal! The first half are all about the turducken preparation – final boning, spreading the stuffing, sewing him up. (Vegetarians may not want to look!) Then there are a bunch more shots from the party of people eating way too much… I hope everyone is recuperating well today!
Author: Kris
Turducken photos are up!
Turducken is IN!
The Turducken is IN THE OVEN, folks! The assembly was much easier than we’d imagined, and the Snook exhibited a heretofore unknown sewing aptitude with a blanket stitch to make your Grandma weep. Photos are forthcoming…
iPod Mittens
Check it out: a knitting pattern for iPod Mittens. They’re mittens with a pocket to put your iPod in. Clever!
Shooting Locks
Here’s a link for my Dad, who is probably sitting in a tree with a gun at this very minute: How hard is it to shoot off a padlock? Answer: Very hard. (Link courtesy of John.)
Stage one complete
Preparations for our Saturday feast are continuing apace Down Under. Stage One of the Turducken Assembly is now complete. Two of the three stuffings are finished and chilling in the fridge. Both recipes are from this article. First is the cornbread stuffing, which we’re planning to use as the outer layer between the turkey and the duck. (That’s actual Jiffy Cornbread in there!) Next is the sausage and smoked oyster, which we modified a bit. The sausage is actually beef sausage (because I have Jewish co-workers), and one-third of the oysters are actually mussels (because we grabbed the wrong can at the supermarket). I was a bit skeptical of this one but the smell is absolutely fantastic. It’s going in the very center of the chicken, so obviously we’re going to have a bunch of it left over to eat on the side. I can’t wait! Still to make: remaining stuffing (chicken, chestnut, and truffle), banana pudding, sweet corn casserole, deviled eggs, and maybe some baked beans if I can be arsed. Oh, and I’m dipping the rest of the frozen buck eye balls from Halloween, so we can finally finish those off too!Update: Whoops. Snookums has just pointed out to me the inconsistency of using beef sausage instead of pork for our Jewish friends… and then loading the stuffing with shellfish. Apparently that’s not the reason he chose the beef after all, but rather because “they’re the closest thing to American spiced sausage I’ve seen here (in terms of the spiciness).” Lest you think we’re both idiots…
Treadmill Bike
Now THIS is what I need instead of running on the road: The Treadmill Bike. HA!
My Hair is Red
Heh. I was a finalist in Kay‘s Frappr Awards in the category of “My Hair is Red.” Not anymore, it isn’t! (Secretly I already miss it.)
Want a quilt?
Sweet. My Mom has officially launched her quilting business and has made her first sale! So if you’re looking for an awesome Christmas present for that special someone, bookmark her listings page, okay?
Web Design Assistance
Any web designers want to do a good deed for Christmas? The Knitters’ Guild of NSW site (of which I am the webmaster) is in dire need of a re-design, and I’m crap at it. Of course, we’ve got no money to pay you with but I’d be happy to knit you something in return. I don’t need much; maybe just a couple PSDs and I can derive all the pages I need off those. (I’m great with executing designs. I just suck at conception.) E-mail or leave a comment if you’re interested.