I’m SO going to put this on a T-shirt.
Author: Kris
Try not to stare directly at my spook eye.
Try not to stare directly at my spook eye.
Good grief. On top of all the rest of my stress, I noticed earlier this week that the vision out of my right eye was significantly blurrier than out of my left. How long has this been the case? I have no idea. My allergies always make my eyes a little screwy so it’s hard to tell. It’s only with my contacts; my glasses are fine. It’s been about a year since my last prescription, so I stopped in at my optometrist tonight for a checkup. We did the whole “Better here…? Better here?” routine, and then the usual laser beam/puff of air in the eye thing. Finally he started writing down my new prescription. I freaked out as soon as I saw it: -7.5 and -9.0. Holy crap! My old prescription was -6.0 and -8.0! He didn’t seem too perturbed but I just lost it. “What’s the matter with me? Am I GETTING OLD? Am I GOING BLIND?” I asked in desperation. He laughed and then explained that that’s my glasses prescription, which is always stronger than your contacts prescription. The upshot was that my right contact is going up to a -6.5. Whew! Then he told me about some other patient of his named Lewis who’s up to a -18.0 in each eye. So now I feel a little better, knowing that I’m still better off than that guy. -
If you’ve been wondering if CouchCam has been stuck for the past 72 hours, it hasn’t. I’ve literally been sitting on the couch for twelve hours a day trying desperately to finish this damn website before Friday. It isn’t going to happen. My ass is numb and my diet is shot. And I think I’m getting a cold. STRESS.
Fixing an iBook space bar
Don’t be an idiot like me. If you are an idiot like me, and if you happen to, say, pop off the space bar on your iBook because you want to clean out the cat hair underneath and then you discover you can’t get it back on properly, this is what you have to do. And don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Julie Cooper Hair
I went to get my color redone last night so I had my hairdresser give me a bit of a trim too. Halfway through the cut I was like, “You know, I was kinda thinking about bringing back the fringe….” And she was like, “Really?! Because I think you’d look HOT with fringe.” So I nodded, held my breath, and we did it. And the whole way home I felt like a total rock star. Something was niggling in the back of my mind though. Everytime I caught a glance of my reflection, I thought I looked like someone. It wasn’t until we were eating pancakes this morning and watching a TiVoed episode of The O.C. that it hit me: I have Julie Cooper hair!
Kitten War
Kitten War. Oh my God, that’s the CUTEST THING EVER. It’s “Am I Hot or Not” for kittens! We have, of course, uploaded the cutest picture we have of Dr. Amy Jones, so now we’re just waiting for it to be approved before she can start kicking some ass. Vote for her, dammit!
Magical Mac Key Sequences
Magical Mac Key Sequences. That’s an amazingly helpful resource even for those of us who’ve been using Macs for awhile. I can never remember those things.
Spring Knitty surprises!
Hey Helen, this Spring Knitty surprise is for you!
We are not a home to Mr. Cock-Up.
We are not a home to Mr. Cock-Up.
Actually, yes we are. While checking the final proof of a mailout that’s being sent to thousands of customers, I managed to spot that the word “off” had been mispelled. I smugly congratulated myself for saving us heaps of embarrassment. However, I failed to note that both our 800 number and the website address were incorrect as well. The whole run’s been printed and it’s too late to change. Like I said, it’s a cock-up.