Author: Kris

  • The Bay City Weasleys

    Kevin’s got links to several high-res images from the upcoming Goblet of Fire movie. It looks great! I didn’t picture the maze as being that freakin’ enormous though. Fleur and Viktor look good, and Cedric (who I always sorta pictured like my brother Antny) is fine, I guess. I’m also gonna go on the record and say that I’m loving the Weasley family mullets. Hurray for the Bay City Weasleys!

  • One friggin’ AM.

    In an orgy of nerdery and self-flagellation, the Snook and I purchased our Revenge of the Sith tickets today… for the 1am show. ONE IN THE MORNING. (The midnight were sold out.) I honestly don’t know why I did it. I guess it’s because I saw the previous two at the midnight showings, and I felt the need to see this thing through. It’s like, we’ll go to the damn movie and we’ll line Lucas’s pockets once more, but that’s it, there won’t be any more, hallelujah, and we can finally close that whole friggin’ chapter of our lives and pretend that the prequels never existed.

    Unless, of course, it doesn’t suck.

  • Amazing London

    Awww, man, how great was that last episode of The Amazing Race? It was like the Kris and Rodd Tribute episode. Baker Street? That’s where my first flat was. (Sorry to disappoint the Sherlockians, but 221b doesn’t actually exist.) London Eye? Been there, done that. Hammersmith? That’s where we lived and worked for two years. (Although, that “Three Naked Men” statue must’ve been a recent addition, because that sure as heck wasn’t there before.) We cracked up every time they got directed to race across town yet again. Do you know how much it costs to take a black cab from Baker Street to Greenwich? I’m surprised that Ron and Kelly were able to beg enough to cover it. And as soon as they showed Phil on the mat, we both yelled out: “EROTIC GHERKIN!”

    In terms of the big finale, I still like Rob and Amber but I admit it would be better for Joyce and Uchenna to win. She shaved her head! She deserves it. Ron and Kelly will hopefully implode, come in third, and break up before they kill each other.

  • Felting workshop

    moblogged image

    Breaking for lunch in the middle of a felting workshop. I’m hoping to make a scarf to match the new coat!

  • Australian iTMS?

    DAMN IT. Apparently the long-awaited Australian iTunes Music Store was going to launch last Thursday… but one music company ruined everything. We’re guessing it was Sony. Bastards! I can’t wait til this is up and running. I still haven’t used all the gift certificate my Mom got me for the US store. I wonder what it’ll do if my account has both US dollars and Aussie dollars in it?

  • RedOak

    Since the Tapestry Craft Stitch and Bitch will be going on hiatus in a few weeks – (*cough* Winter Sale! *cough*), the girls and I have been looking for an alternative location in the neighborhood. Last night I took Amy and Miss Jane over to Red Oak to see if it was suitable. It was! We started off with some of the Framboise Froment which got everyone in a festive mood. Then DING DING DING! Unbeknownst to us, the Master Brewer was down at the Australian International Beer Awards and Red Oak had just won a medal for their Special Strong Ale. The staff brought ’round a taster for everyone in the bar! We cheered. Another full-size beer later, and another victory for the Oatmeal Stout! (That was my favorite, I think.) And lastly, just before we left, they won another one for their “Rauchbier,” this crazy ale that uses smoked barley (and really, truly tastes like it’s brewed with ham). So we ended up having quite a fun evening!

  • I’m so glad I’m back on the Depo Provera…

  • Rules for Cats

    Rules for Cats. So, so true. (Link courtesy of John.)

  • Heh.

    While watching Survivor last night…
    Snookums: Well, of course Gregg (pronounced GREG-GUH) and Jenn (pronounced JEN-NUH) were going to get together…
    A minute passes while he thinks about it.
    Snookums: Actually, maybe I shouldn’t be making fun of people with superfluous double letters on the ends of their names.
    Me: Ya think, ROD-DUH?