Author: Kris

  • Disbelief.

    I just spent, like, half an hour serving a pregnant customer who’s getting ready to go on maternity leave. Naturally, she wanted a cross-stitch to keep her from going insane. So I helped her pick one out, fetched all the beads and cottons for her so she didn’t have to bend and reach, and assured her that we could mail her anything else she might need if she couldn’t make it into the shop. Then I had to help her select a fabric for it. I have to say, I was feeling pretty satisfied with my level of customer service here. Never let it be said that Kris Howard doesn’t go out of her way to help the pregnant women! So I was preparing to cut her fabric, which usually takes me a while since you have to follow the grainline really closely (and you can’t tear linen). Feeling ever so gracious, I said, “This might take me a few minutes, so if you need to have a seat or anything…” “Oh great!” she said. “Do you mind if I just duck out and have a ciggie?”

    I just stared at her.

  • Bush Walk Photos

    A few more photos from Monday’s bush walk.

    The first is me with the legendary “Three Sisters” rock formation (which I had previously only seen in its cross-stitch and tapestry incarnations).

    Me and the Three Sisters

    And next is the Snook, taking care not to hit his head as he scurries beneath a canyon overhang.


  • SweaterMod!

    As I’ve been too uninspired to start any new knitting lately, I decided it was time to make some much needed modifications to my Sampler Sweater. (Finished result seen here. Try not to get too distracted by my SEXXAY sweatpants.) The first issue was that the neck was too big. The pattern called for the neck to take up 33% of body stitches, but as I was doing a big floppy sweater, that ended up being way big for me. Every time I wore it, I felt like I was wearing a boat neck instead of a crew neck. Luckily I had some of the white wool left, so I simply picked up inside the existing collar and knitted a new one, making it a bit longer so it peeks out like an undershirt. It’s not a huge difference, but it definitely helps the collar hold its shape a bit better. The second problems were the cuffs and ribbing, which ended up shapeless and inelastic. I decided to unpick them and re-knit them on smaller needles to pull them in a bit. The first challenge was undoing the cast-on edge of the waist ribbing. Big problem. For some reason, I had this idea that you could just rip back knitting from the bottom the same way you can from the top. Turns out it doesn’t. Each and every stitch has to be unpicked by hand. As the sweater is a couple hundred stitches around (and the ribbing is fourteen rows deep), I soon realized this was going to take FOREVER. So then I had the brilliant but scary idea to pick up stitches just about the ribbing, cut the sweater, and then unravel the ribbing down from there. It was a bit iffy at first, but in the end it worked beautifully. I then knitted my new ribbing back down from there. I was so happy with the result that I unpicked the cuffs (I could rip them) and reknitted those too. Et voila! A newly wearable sweater that I’m actually satisfied with.

  • ARGH

    The only thing worse than an already impossible deadline is an incompetent co-worker who loses three weeks of your work. I’m ready to KILL.

    Later: He found it. Thank Gawd. Urge to kill subsiding.

  • 4.8 Kilograms

    I have officially lost 4.8 kilograms… That’s over 10 pounds! I’m a little shocked myself. My usual Monday meeting was cancelled because of the public holiday so I headed off tonight to Glebe to visit another group. I honestly had no clue what to expect when I stepped on the scales. It seemed like I’d been losing some more, especially after that bush walk yesterday. (In fact, when I stepped on the scales last night I’d lost an extra kilo or two in water weight! But I hydrated really well today so I don’t think that had any lasting effect, fluid-wise.) I also had some residual guilt from the hamburger and fries I had for dinner last night. I know I more than earned it from the exercise, but I still had this irrational fear that it would cancel out all the good stuff I’ve been doing. So when the weigher man wrote down my weight, I did a total double-take. I said to him: “Are you sure? I’m soooo close to five kilos!” He smiled and checked it again. “I could almost fudge it… but nah, not quite” he grinned. That’s cool; I’m sure Emily will be happy I saved my first victory for our regular meeting next week.

    Nearly five kilos in three weeks… Man, that’s so fast. I honestly can’t believe how easy it’s been. I don’t want to sound like a Weight Watchers shill, but this program is really workin’ for me. No, actually, I’m doin’ the work. But I needed the framework. I have officially now walked to work every day for three weeks (30 minutes; and once it was raining!). This week will be my fourth yoga class and I’m really looking forward to it. I had my second squash lesson on Sunday. I’m still drinking the occasional beer or glass of wine, and we’re still going out to eat at least once a week. I’ve even stopped thinking about food so damn much (except for one notable nightmare last week when I dreamed I gobbled down half a package of Lik-M-Aid). Now I just need to keep it up for three more months…

  • Preggers

    Yay! Princess Mary got knocked up.

  • Beware of the cliff.

    Beware of the cliff

    Today the Snook and I joined Amy for a trip to the Blue Mountains. Our first destination was the Three Sisters in Katoomba, as I’d never seen them. Then we did a little window-shopping and had lunch. Finally, off to do some real Aussie bush-walking. Our chosen path was the Grand Canyon Track which is 5 kilometers down into a sub-tropical canyon. We climbed down rocks and slithered under overhangs and splashed across streams, all with a minimum of hand-holds (and none of the accompanying legal waivers you’d expect in a similar American setting). I did fairly well; I only slipped a few times and I didn’t take any tumbles. My difficulties only began when we had to start climbing out again at the other end. That’s when carrying the extra weight really catches up with you. I felt like I was climbing the Endless Stair of Mordor. I was sweaty, tired, and puffing like a freight train. Finally I made it out. The guidebook says it’s a 3.5 hour walk; we did it in 3 flat. Kickass. We’re going to do it again in six months and see if we improve. More pictures tomorrow (assuming my legs function well enough to get me out of bed).

  • Pope Steve I

    Pope Steve I. According to the BBC, Mac users are Catholic and Windows users are Protestant. Now put down that pirated copy of XP and go say three Hail Woz’s.

  • Calling all Sydney wizards!

    Calling all Sydney wizards! I was just in Glebe where I discovered that Gleebooks is hosting a train trip to Hogsmeade to celebrate the launch of the new book. Anybody else want to join me and the Snook? (I think he’s going to have to be a Slytherin.)

  • I did it.

    I did it! I just sent off my membership application to the Knitters’ Guild of NSW. I also volunteered to be their Website Convenor, since they’re in need of one. I’m in, girls!