Okay, remember when we played this before? I give you the setup for an Australian television advertisement that is currently pissing me off, and you guess the punchline and the product. Ready?
We crane in on a couple panting in bed, presumably post-coitus. The man is fidgety and disheveled. “Sorry,” he says. The Angelina Jolie-lookalike beside him grins. “That’s okay.” She rolls over to the night table as the wacky trumpets of sexual dissatisfaction kick in. As her partner covers his eyes in masculine shame, she moans with pleasure as she pops open… WHAT? And WHY?
Let the guessing commence. Your clues: This isn’t one of those ads that airs at 2:30 am. It’s been on every day this week during Days of Our Lives, which runs at 1:00 pm. You can tell this because the woman is wearing a tank top to cover her boobies, despite the fact that nobody – outside Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the women of Sex and the City – have sex with a top on. So it’s not that dirty…