It’s four hours til the Wedding of the Century begins, and the tears and recriminations have already begun. It’s gonna be a long day, folks…
Author: Kris
Snookums and the Snow
Australians often talk about going to “the snow,” as if seeing snow was the equivalent of visiting Disneyland or Paris. Other than a few flurries in London, Snookums had never really been to “the snow” before. Last night, the snow came to him. It started yesterday afternoon and fell throughout the night. Hooray for winter! This morning he was introduced to the duty of all Indiana husbands: scraping the ice off the car. After dinner Joey’s going to teach him how to make snow angels. Pictures are forthcoming…
I’m NOT Mrs. Snook!
Since nobody in Indiana seems to believe me when I tell them, let me just end all the speculation and confirm that I’m not Mrs. Snook. I mean, yeah, I married the Snook and all, but I’m still Ms. Howard legally and forevermore. Mrs. Snook is his Mom, and even she approved my decision to stay me. You are, however, permitted to informally refer to me as Mrs. Snook if it amuses you, which it seems to do for a lot of people. But only if you call him Mr. Howard. 🙂
Me and Moire!
Check it out everybody! I met yet another previously-known-only-via-the-Internet buddy tonight in the form of our very own Marci. (It’s always weird meeting people with blogs, because they never sound the way they do in my head. Moire, on the other hand, sounds exactly like the Hoosier I expected her to be.) She even brought us a wedding present! How nice is that? The Snook came along to listen to us chatter and have his first Applebee’s experience. All in all, a very successful meet-up.
We are such dorks.
We just finally watched the wedding video. We are such dorks!
Back Home Again in Indiana
Back Home Again in Indiana…
Our plane touched down in South Bend tonight and we stood for a few minutes waiting for the doors to open. In front of us were some local 9th graders that were evidently flying to visit relatives for Thanksgiving. “Oh my God,” the girl said. “We’ve been flying since six a.m.! That’s, like, twelve hours. All the way from Wisconsin.” People around us started smirking. I couldn’t help myself: “You should try flying fourteen hours on one flight from Australia.” Her face lit up. “Australia? Oh, wow!” Her boyfriend asked, “Where’s Australia?” The grown-ups all looked at each other incredulously. She answered him: “It’s where the toilets go backwards and there’s kangaroos.” Him: “But where is it?” Her: “I don’t know. You know I’m not good at geography.” Snookums could take it no longer. He leaned over and explained, “Basically you fly from LA like you’re going to Hawaii and you keep going about twice as far. And that’s where Australia is.” The boyfriend: “So it’s, like, on the other side of Hawaii?” Mercifully the airplane door opened and we were able to shuffle past them. “How such an educational system ever produced me,” I said to the Snook, “I have no idea.” -
Good Things/Bad Things
Good Things:
- We got back to our room Saturday night to discover a bottle of champagne and a huge gift basket from my PW girls! It was awesome. Thanks so much to Kel, Eileen, Liz, and Crawfy.
- Helen sent us a bunch of CouchCam pictures of Dr. Amy Jones playing. We miss her!
- The Sydney Airport lady e-mailed to say that she had the hat and she’s sending it on. Sweeeet.
- Ed McMahon was on our flight home! He’s really, really old and scary now.
Bad Things:
- Vegas got really cold and windy Saturday night. They cancelled the “Sirens of Titan” show so we didn’t get to see it.
- The weather got worse today and it rained and rained. Our flight home got delayed four hours. I’d had a great time in Vegas but damn I was glad to finally get on the plane.
I’m off to bed. Tomorrow’s another travelling day as everybody makes their way to Indiana for the Wedding of the Century. ‘Night, folks!
Just married…
Hey everybody! Sorry about that whole delay thing. We got there on time but the chapel was absolutely swamped. We ended up starting about an hour late so that’s why you had difficulty. (Apparently my Mom was phoning them repeatedly asking where we were, which explains why people kept barging in and asking for us.) As you probably saw, we had a hella good time. It was so much fun. Thank you guys so much for watching and cheering for us! We’re gonna go party up in Vegas for another 24 hours or so and then head back to LA before flying to Indiana on Monday. We’re getting the photos developed soon so we should have some to show you in a few days…
Hey, Sister: Flight gets in at 6:15pm tomorrow night. See you at the airport!
It’s me!
We finally found an Internet cafe! Wedding in T minus three hours… I think we’re all set. License: check. Underpants: check. We’re good to go. Oh, and Helen forgot the link to convert the time for you; here you go. Don’t forget – 4:00 pm Vegas time! (That should be 11am Sunday in Sydney time, 7:00 pm Saturday in Indiana time.) Apparently to view the wedding live you just click on the “Live Wedding” link. If you miss it, the webcast will be viewable for a month. I believe you just have to enter “Rodd Snook” as the groom’s name. Okay, we’re off! My stomach is churning… 🙂
Hello all, Miss Helen here(you may have spotted me on couch cam as I am house and cat sitting )with a special guest entry, as I’m here with an update from Kris, who couldn’t make it to a net cafe, but rang to let me know that the wedding will be on at 4pm Vegas time on Saturday(which is tomorrow for you Americans, and yesterday for us Australians, but still tomorrow, even though it is yesterday. Phew!). Here’s a handy link that should work, to show you what time 4pm Saturday Vegas time is, wherever you are. The link to the webcast is over in the right column and you can of course view the wedding for up to a month afterwards. Don’t forget to throw confetti at your monitor when they’re done!