Author: Kris

  • The Cabled Throw

    Oh, and I forgot to mention that I finally gave the happy couple their wedding gift: the Sunday cable throw from Jo Sharp’s fourth book, Home. It took me well over a hundred hours to knit, and I used 36.5 balls of Jo Sharp 8-ply wool. I modified the pattern to make it a bit wider and added fringe to both ends to make it a little more “blanket-y”. It’s really pretty and warm. (Unbeknownst to me, it also perfectly matches the beige and red of their living room color scheme.) It’s about six feet long by four feet wide. Here’s a pic of my sister lounging under it along with a detail of the cabling up close:

    Amy with her blanket     Detail of cabling

  • Los Angeles

    Los Angeles
    Well, we made it. We had a minor debacle at Sydney Airport where the Snook and I somehow managed to lose a $100 hat I’d bought as a gift for my brother. He’d had it on his head when we went through security but somehow it had disappeared by the time we boarded the plane. Twelve annoyed hours later we landed and were able to contact the duty-free shop where we thought we lost it. Turns out they have it! They’re going to try to mail it out to us. So I’m feeling pretty good about that.

    Other than that, the flight was pretty uneventful. We spent the day chilling at my sister’s apartment in LA and getting to know her fiancé Dan. They took us out for a big Mexican feast at some place called “Paco’s”. (Apparently it was where Jerry Maguire and Dorothy had their first date.) Now we’re just going to bed in preparation for our early flight to Vegas tomorrow. Oh, and I did hit one other snag: the new white underpants I bought specially to go with the wedding outfit still have the Kmart security tag on them! I’m afraid to pry it off for fear it’ll explode or something. So now I’ve got to find some place in Vegas to buy new underpants. (And don’t even bother suggesting I go “commando.” I’m getting married, people!)

  • DeskCam is offline…

    That’s it for DeskCam for a few weeks, folks… I’m waving you all bye-bye!

    Oh, and that’s my new wedding hair. I was going to keep growing it out but my friend Losh said that shorter hair makes me look younger. So short and flippy it is! It’s also a slightly darker and redder shade of brown, with really contrasty blonde streaks underneath.


    I GOT A DRESS! Thank Gawd.

  • The Wedding Show

    For those of you wanting to watch at home, our ceremony will probably take place this Saturday evening (Vegas-time). This means it’ll be Sunday morning for the Aussies. We’ll post the details about 24 hours beforehand once everything is confirmed. And don’t worry; they archive the video for a month so you can always sleep in and watch it later. 🙂

  • If Pirates Ruled the World

    Photoshop Contest: If Pirates Ruled the World… HA! My favorite is “Wal-Marrrt.”

  • Ebert Update

    Roger Ebert’s obsessive love for Renee Zellweger is really, really disturbing me. Oh, and check out this line from his Polar Express review: “There are so many jobs and so many credits on this movie that I don’t know whom to praise…” The answer to that question, Rog, is DAN CARBO, my soon-to-be brother-in-law who worked on the movie. So if you go see it, hang around and see if you can spot his name in the credits. (It’ll probably be way, way down at the bottom.)

  • Weekend Update

    • I still don’t have an outfit for our wedding. I do, however, have the shoes. I was trying on yet another crappy white dress at Portman’s on Friday when I thought to myself, “What’s the point? I don’t even have shoes to go with this.” And then, like lightning, I had a perfect vision of exactly the shoes I wanted to be married in. Oh yes, pristine white low-top Chuck Taylor sneakers. I happily marched up to General Pants Co. and bought them. They shall not be worn til the day of the wedding. In this, at least, I am satisfied.
    • Helen started at Tapestry Craft! She even had a run-in with Creepy Jesus Lady on only her second day. She asked CJL if she’d knitted her own sweater, and CJL replied: “Yep, me and God.” (CJL was pretty annoyed with me on this visit, I think, because I refused to return some of the wool she bought during the sale. Apparently Jesus forgot to warn her to read the sale policy.)
    • Saturday was our Post-Sale Celebratory Dinner at Ichiban Teppan-Yaki. Snookums joined me and the rest of the TC staff for an evening of food, fire, and flying eggs. Afterwards we went to “Viva Karaoke,” which was pretty fun. I got into it, anyway. Unfortunately most of my co-workers were too shy to sing, which kinda sucked. (And of course, we had a “mocker” amongst the group who thought it was much funnier to make fun of everyone else, which didn’t help the shyness issue.) Clinton was definitely the rockstar of the night with his Ricky Martin moves. The two of us also duetted on a rockin’ version of “Sk8er Boi” that left me hoarse afterwards.
    • I’m so close to being done with my sister’s wedding gift. It’s take me well over a hundred hours. I hope she likes it!
    • Snookums and I met up with my friend Sharon at the Newtown RSL this arvo, and guess who I saw? Tripod. We were just sitting in the bar when I saw Yon wander past. I was like, “Snookums, look look look! Right behind you. It’s the guy from Tripod.” Him: “The baldy?” Me: “No, the one with glasses. Look look look!” Turns out they were doing a gig later that night. Ten minutes later Gatesy strolled out. Me: “It’s another one! Ooh, it’s the cute one!” Him: “The cute one?? Scod?” Me: “No! Gatesy. Quit obsessing about Scod. Oh wait, Scod just came out.” Man, I wish we had seen the show now. Instead we just listened to the end of the meat raffle and then headed home.
    • I am so unprepared for this trip. We leave in less than a hundred hours. I have less than a week of singleness left. AND WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO WEAR FOR THE WEDDING?
  • The KFS Sweater Project

    The KFS Sweater Project: a guy models 25 extremely daggy sweaters that he pulled out of his wardrobe. Let this be a cautionary tale for knitters everywhere.