Author: Kris

  • Bring on the election.

    Bring on the election.
    I was chatting to an old grandma at the shop today and she mentioned that she was from Arizona. “Oh, nice!” I love meeting fellow Americans. (Well, the nice ones anyway.) She said she’d just been reading about the Republican National Convention in the newspaper. Not wanting to say anything too controversial – at least, not before she’d paid for her wool – I just kinda nodded and said I’d seen something about it on the news. “You know,” she said, “I’m a registered Republican but I believe in voting for the man, not the party. And I’m not voting for that man again!” I broke into a big grin. Right on, lady! Later that afternoon a woman from New York recognized my accent and blurted out that she hoped I’d registered to vote. I told her the story of the Arizona lady and she was delighted. So party on, Republicans. The more you tighten your grip, the more moderate voters will slip through your fingers…

  • 127 Print Scarf

    127 Print ScarfI’ve been obsessed for weeks with this 127 Print Italian wool that we’ve got at the shop so I finally bought a few balls last weekend and knitted it up into a scarf. Here’s Snookums modelling the finished product. Isn’t it pretty? The colors just come out like that when you knit it. I tried to combat the dreaded stockinette-curl with a border of garter stitch and regular thin garter stitch bands between the color stripes, but the darn thing still has a tendency to roll into a tube. *shrug* I still like it.

    Notes: For those wishing to do something similar, I used three balls in total. Casted on 35 stitches on 6mm needles and did a few rows of garter stitch before starting the pattern. I worked out that I there was enough space between color patches to do three rows of stockinette, then four of garter, and then back to stockinette. It only got irregular where I changed balls.

  • Gmail Invites

    I’m fairly certain that everybody that wants a Gmail account already has one, but if you don’t, just leave a comment. I’ve got five more invites to give out.

  • Where did the computer go?

    Where did the computer go? *drool* I want one so bad it hurts.

  • Cor blimey, my lungs!

    Holy crap. Another reason to be glad we left England: a study of air quality in the UK has determined that breathing the air around Hammersmith – which is, oh, where we lived and worked for two years – is equivalent to smoking 27 cigarettes a day. No wonder I didn’t develop hayfever in London… My nose and lungs were completely coated in crap!

  • High culture, low culture

    Last night Amy stopped over and we headed to Gleebooks for a reading by Lynn Truss. Truss is the author of Eats Shoots & Leaves, a manifesto for those of us driven mad by bad punctuation. She was an entertaining speaker who kept the crowd laughing with slides of real, badly-written signs. Afterwards we got our books signed and headed home. Then Snookums and I ate Subway for dinner while watching the director’s commentary of Dude, Where’s My Car?

    And that pretty much sums up everything you need to know about me.

  • Rebels and Revels

    Han and LeiaLast night the Snook and I attended the massive 50th birthday celebration of his Auntie Linda. It was held about an hour south of Sydney at a cafe overlooking the coast. The invitations she sent out weeks before declared 1954 as “the year of the rebel” and instructed the guests to “come dressed as whatever a REBEL means to you.” We thought long and hard about it and decided that – for us – nothing less than the Rebel Alliance from Star Wars would do. (It was also a pretty lazy option, since we knew we could probably borrow Amy and Rob’s costumes from last Halloween.) Anyway, here we are as Princess Leia and Han Solo. Check out the Snook’s chest hair! What a scruffy lookin’ nerf herder. The rest of the immediate Snook family displayed similar creativity: Pa and Ma Snook were Robin Hood and Maid Marian, while sister Jeannie and husband Chris went as Asterix and Obelix. Unfortunately most of our fellow partygoers interpreted “rebel” to mean “skanky and gothic in the manner of Kelly Osborne”, so the six of us really stood out. It was a fun night of drinking, dancing, and nibbles. How could you not enjoy a party that included a lesbian wedding proposal, an S&M version of Dorothy the Dinosaur, and the many jibes at Pa Snook’s shapely legs?

    Asterix and Obelix, along with Robin Hood and Maid Marian
    Asterix and Obelix, along with Robin Hood and Maid Marian.

    Han and Leia
    Han and Leia. (Yes, it was a wig.)

    The couple of honor
    Auntie Linda and her fiancee Sue.

    Han and Robin
    The Snook men, Han and Robin.

  • Bladerunner #1??

    Sixty of the world’s greatest scientists have declared Bladerunner the best science fiction film ever. And then they didn’t even have the decency to list Philip K. Dick as their favorite author? Stupid scientists.

  • Oz is #2!

    Olympic Gold Medals Per Capita. Hey, on this ranking Australia is #2!

  • Pittman loses.

    Jana Pittman lost. Hmm, maybe that means we’ll finally get to stop hearing about her stupid knee for a day or two.