Author: Kris

  • 15 Day Detox Diet

    DetoxBlog: I have reached a new low in navel-gazing and self-absorption… I am starting the Quick Cleanse 15 Day Internal Detox Program and you poor folks are going to suffer along with me. I really have no idea why I’m doing this. I guess it’s because I need some new crazy health obsession after the race disappointment, and this super buff guy at GNC convinced me that this program was “rilly, rilly awesome.” So here we go. Fifteen days of no meat, no dairy, nothing but fiber, fruit, and fresh vegetables (and a multitude of herbal supplements). As I understand it, the basic gist is that you simply, well, poo out every bit of impurity in your body. At any rate, I like the idea of becoming a short-term vegetarian. I’ve never really tried it before so I have no idea how my body will react. Will I start dreaming of bacon? Will my body go into beef-deprived shock? Stay tuned for all the gory details. (Well, probably not gory. Even I have my limits.)

  • Friends Scripts

    Just a little tip for any of you who might be sleepwalking through your final days at a hated job and have already read every Seinfeld script at least three times: the Friends script archive. Yeah, it’s been a real boring week.

  • Gmail invites

    Gmail Invites: It seems like most folks that want one have already gotten one, but if anybody is still interested, I’ve got five more invitations sitting unused in my account.

  • Mmm… Chocolate dipped pork fat.

    Mmmm… Chocolate-dipped pork fat. I wonder if they could make the chocolate sauce with Splenda, thus resulting in the Best. Low-Carb. Treat. Ever! (I kid, people.)

  • Yarn-A-Rama tomorrow night!

    It’s certainly shaping up to be a knit-tastic weekend! Tea in the Library (on York Street) is having a “Yarn-A-Rama” event tomorrow night after work. Five knitting gurus are going to talk about the craft and answer questions. Sounds fun!

  • Nike Women’s Classic Pictures

    Where's Kris?Mortification and Hilarity
    My friend Mardi noticed this morning that photos are available from the Nike Women’s Classic. Curious, I did a search on my bib number (#1422). The image shown here was the only one returned. I was confused. “Where the hell am I? I’m not either of those girls!” Did I have my bib number wrong? Then I clicked on the image to see the full-size version. Ohhhh, good grief, there I am. Yeah, I’m that half-person in the red shirt on the left edge of the photo. Click on the thumbnail to see the large version, complete with telltale wristband. I feel like Charlie Brown. I didn’t even manage to get in a photo.

  • Kitty Update

    Kitty Update: Well, whatever it was, it fell off. I picked her up this morning to check and it’s not there anymore. She’s got a tiny little bald patch and the skin underneath is slightly pink. I’m taking this as confirmation that it was just a scab. We’ll be monitoring it but I’m glad we didn’t bother going to the vet.

  • Special license for SUVs

    The Australian Parliament is considering whether to require special driver’s licenses for people with SUV’s. They’d be required to pass an off-road driving skills test. Brilliant! Maybe it’d cut down on all the clueless soccer moms in Land Cruisers yammering away on mobiles while cutting people off in rush hour traffic. Too bad such a thing would never pass in the U.S. (People here don’t believe me when I tell them how many Notre Dame students had brand new Cherokees that were only used to drive between campus and Meijer.)

  • Knitting Weblog

    Great name for a knitblog: When Knitting was a Manly Art. More guys should knit. I spent lunchtime showing a couple girls in the office how to finish a cushion cover (adding button holes and casting off), and a male co-worker joked that we looked like a bunch of grannies!

  • Sydney Craft and Quilt Fair

    The Craft and Quilt Fair is on this weekend! Any of you Sydneysiders want to meet up Saturday?