Slang City Songs: Translations of Popular Songs from Slang to Standard English. Very funny. My favorite so far is Sk8ter Boi, which helpfully explains that a punk is “a young troublemaker who reacts against authority.”
Author: Kris
Another Hogwarts Scarf!
As you can see, I’ve just finished an old-school Ravenclaw scarf as a commission for a nice Aussie girl named Kat. (Kat went with the “blue and bronze” color scheme from the book as opposed to the “blue and silver” from the movie.) The Snook was kind enough to model for me (as usual). It was knitted with Cleckheaton Country 8-ply 100% wool. Somehow my gauge was off from the last one I did, which resulted in a slightly skinner yet longer scarf. The dimensions on this one were 6″ wide by 76″ long (not counting fringe). That should keep Kat pretty warm throughout this winter!
Holy crap. A meteor the size of a house crashed in southern New South Wales last night. That’s, like, an hour from Sydney! Weird stuff is always happening here.
The Snook sent me two of the funniest links I’ve ever seen on the Internet: “I believe you have my stapler” and “What’s new, Khan?” Be sure and have your volume turned up. Then be prepared to have people stare at you as you scream with laughter.
Underwear gnomes as investment lesson
South Park underwear gnomes as a lesson for investors. Man, not a single website I worked on during the dotcom boom had a Phase 2. Maybe that’s why they’re all gone!
Free tickets to “Super Size Me” for Macca’s employees
Hee! Dendy Films (which is an Australian chain of arthouse cinemas) is offering free tickets to Super Size Me to any McDonald’s employee. That cracks me up. On a related note, Macca’s has become rattled enough about the film’s reception Down Under to start airing commercials defending themselves.
Coke bottle conspiracy theories
Somehow the other night the Snook and I got to talking about Coca-Cola (I think I was regretting my Pepsi iPod contest obsession) and he suddenly started telling me this crazy story about how a bored factory worker from Indiana designed the distinctive bottle shape to mimic the leaves of either a kola nut or a coca leaf, but he messed up and turned the wrong page in the encycloped and ended up basing it on the cacao bean instead. He’s always telling me crazy things like this. “You’re so making that up,” I said. Turns out he wasn’t. How crazy is that?
Cat Photos
Cat Photos. The last refuge of the bored blogger. Let’s just say it’s been an extremely boring week on the Internet for me, folks. From left to right here you’ve got: “Kitten in a Box”; “A Geek and his Cat”; and “Kitten in the Sink.” If I can’t keep you entertained, I can at least help you meet your daily cuteness quotient.
Max pointed me towards this article about the “new” trend of parents buying their daughters breast enlargements as a graduation gift. As Max said, this isn’t really news. One of my good friends had it done after our college graduation a few years ago. It was kinda shocking to me, to tell you the truth. This was a georgeous girl who had a long-term boyfriend (and a constant flock of male hangers-on) who just happened to be a little flat-chested. She was also brilliant and I have no doubt she’s rocking the corporate world somewhere. I just didn’t get why she needed that to complete herself. It just seems like a weird thing for an otherwise well-adjusted person to want, you know? Granted, I’m not flat-chested and I haven’t been in a long time. It’s just that I would’ve given anything to trade places with her back then – pretty, popular, skinny, great family, direction in life, everything. It completely floored me that her parents paid thousands of dollars just so she could have boobs. It’s like gilding the lily, you know?
The evil imp on my left shoulder – his name is Schadenfreude – wants me to add that I gave her a hug a few months after her surgery and was happy to note that though her new boobs looked good, they felt like baseballs against my chest. We all need to feel smug about something, I guess.
Much ado about e-mail.
Much ado about e-mail. I just logged in to my old Yahoo! Mail account to discover that they’ve upped the storage limit to 100MB and unveiled a new look-and-feel. I guess they must be feeling the heat from Gmail. Nevertheless, I’m thinking I’ll probably keep the Yahoo address as my spam trap and try to move most of my friend correspondence to Gmail instead. At least I won’t have to log in and clear out the spam in the Yahoo account so frequently…