Didn’t find anything interesting in my blog routine today, but I did discover three more invites from Gmail! They’re tossing these things out left and right. Who wants?
Author: Kris
Running Update
Running Update
You may have noticed a considerable hole in my training schedule. Basically, the pain in my left foot I experienced after my last run (and the one previous) got worse and worse over several days. I’m fairly certain it’s from the way I “pronate” (i.e. roll) my foot to the outside. I could barely stand to walk on it. I spoke to the doctor about it and she gave me an X-ray referral to check if I have a stress fracture. I haven’t used it yet. The pain is gone and the race is in a week. There just isn’t time. I did a short run on it today and it’s feeling all right. I know I need rest and new shoes, and I figure I can get both of those after the race. And if it hurts after the 10K… I’ll get the X-ray. I promise. I just don’t want to miss the race. I’m planning to take it nice and easy. My goal at this point is just to finish. -
Big Brother protest!
Big Brother was awesome tonight! Merlin got evicted but showed up on stage with his mouth taped shut and sporting a “Free the Refugees” sign. He refused to talk or answer any questions. Gretel was fuming yet striving to remain calm. The audience turned on him as soon as it became obvious he wasn’t going to play by the rules. The producers resorted to showing, like, ten minutes of live footage from the house while both the psychologist and Merlin’s Dad tried to get him to cooperate. Eventually he disappeared and Gretel was left trying to fill time before an angry mob. Now that is some brilliant reality TV.
Gmail Invites
Woohoo! The Snook and I just scored three Gmail invites each. I’ve already sent two out. (Kel and Moire, check your e-mail!) Any of you guys want one? Apologies to the randoms and the lurkers, but frequent contributors will have priority.
Enjoying the long weekend…
Just enjoying the long weekend… and the fact that I officially have a job post-Epson. Huzzah!
PofA movie review
Oh, right, so back to the movie… It was fantastic! At first I was gasping with how quickly the story moved and how much material was getting cut out. (Trivia: Aunt Marge is also the Trunchbull!) I can see the need to tighten it up, though. I was also struck by how much the kids had grown, and not just the main three. (Good grief, was that Neville?) I thought Gary Oldman and David Thewlis were excellent as Sirius and Lupin. Oldman, in particular, made me appreciate the character more than I ever had before (and made me sadder about Book 5 than I was when I first read it). The effects were very well done and Buckbeak looked amazing. I was so caught up in the story that when Prongs appeared, I just started bawling. The Snook was like, “What’s the matter with you? It’s saving them!” And of course I cried again when you see the event the second time. And holy crap, were those not the best credits EVER? That must’ve taken ages to animate. The Snook and I watched them all. Kudos to everyone involved. Alfonso Cuaron and his team have made the best Potter movie yet.
My Prisoner of Azkaban costume
Well, that was AMAZING. I absolutely loved the film. But more on that in a minute. First, I need to confirm that yes, I did dress in costume. And yes, I was the only one. Not only that, but the theater was probably only 20% full anyway. So I was a big dork. But Snookums thinks I’m cool and I got a few great looks from some kids, so I feel it was a success.
First off, here I am in my Hogwarts school uniform. Details: The jumper is the Weasley sweater I made a few months back. The skirt is from portmans, and the socks were from a random stall in Paddy’s Markets.
Here I am demonstrating the proper way to “Swish and flick!” to Snookums. Yes, my wand is actually a 10mm wooden knitting needle.
I decided that schoolgirl braids were appropriate, complete with Gryffindor-colored bows. (You can really see some of the red streaks in my hair in that picture.) I wasn’t sure whether I should wear my glasses or not. They’re definitely more Potter-ish, but I didn’t want any loss of peripheral vision should we have to sit very close in the theater. I went with the glasses, and luckily it didn’t matter.
If you make fun of my chubby tummy, I’ll put the Cruciatus curse on you!
You know what this costume really needs?
Wizarding robes and a Gryffindor scarf! That’s my new scarf based on the Azkaban design. The robes are actually the Snook’s student robes. (He had to wear them every Monday dinner in college.)
Here’s a close-up of my Gryffindor badge. (You’ll recall that I made the badges last week.) I printed the badges on transfer paper and then ironed them on to some plain calico. Then I trimmed them really well and sewed them down on some black felt for stiffness. Then I trimmed the felt and basted it down on the robes.
Here’s my Dumbledore’s Army badge (from Order of the Phoenix). I accidentally placed the badges too high, I think. I didn’t realize that these robes are made to be worn hanging way back, so they could stand to move a few inches lower, possibly.
Woohoo! Bring on the movie! Bring on the cheering crowds!
Crap. The theater was nearly empty. No one! Where are the crowds? Where the throngs of Potter-fans? Am I the only person dedicated enough to take the day off and make my own costume to celebrate this cinematic event? It appears so.
I didn’t even get to hand out any of the way cool business cards I designed!
At least Dr. Amy Jones still loves me.
So I think I might have to go back to one of the weekend showings in order to give this outfit a proper airing. Any of you Sydney people interested in accompanying me? You don’t have to dress up! 🙂
Last minute HP cold feet…
I think I’m having cold feet. It’s just over twelve hours til the first showing of Prisoner of Azkaban and everything’s ready: the scarf is finished, my badges have been ironed-on, my skirt is pressed. Now I’m just fearing that I’m going to look like a really big dork. What if there aren’t a lot of people there? We are talking noon on a Thursday, and it’s not even a school holiday. Am I going to look like a big freak? Should I care?
I got Gmail!
Thanks to the wonders of gmail swap, Snookums and I are now the proud owners of Gmail addresses. Go on, send me an e-mail! I’m kris.howard@gmail.com. (Snookums would rather I not post his for spam safety, so e-mail me if you want it. But you can probably guess it anyway.)
My boyfriend.
My boyfriend. (I wish.)