
This article about the fate of SafeRide was pretty interesting. Firstly, they’re just now realizing that it’s “ineffective, unorganized and is rarely if at all used by the student body”? DUH. I never even used it and I could’ve told them that. I think the accidents on Edison point out, though, that something needs to be done about students walking back to campus from the bars. And I don’t like the attitude some administrators are taking, like Father Paul Doyle, rector of Dillon: “It’s some kind of enticement to be irresponsible and not have to worry about how you’re getting home — I don’t think that’s productive to growing up.” “Productive to growing up?” How about getting hit by a car? That’s not really “productive for growing up” either, is it? Sheesh.


Kel informs me that the song Gwyneth sung was actually about RAINFORESTS being evil. And she urged us to kill the whales too. Kel adds, “that’s like lizzie and my fave skit EVER.” 🙂

Good call, Drew

Wow. The things you miss being in England. So Drew Barrymore and Tom Green were going to get married on Saturday Night Live? I sorta think Tom Green’s an ass (everytime I catch his show he’s doing something terrible to his parents), but I definitely wish I could’ve seen the show. Apparently Drew backed out five minutes before the ceremony. And Gwyneth Paltrow was even there! (Pants, isn’t GP the one who sang the song about whales being the devil or something?)