Pop vs. Soda – a color-coded map of the United States. I feel sorry for my sister, having left the cozy “pop” confines of Indiana for the crazy “soda” land of California. Unfortunately I myself have lost the “pop” habit a bit (since nobody in the UK or Australia understands it). I still say “pop machine” and “case of pop” though.
Author: Kris
How to Make Friends by Telephone
How to Make Friends by Telephone. GLUB-GLUB-MO-BLON!
My sister went to the American Idol Finale.
What the hell? Apparently my sister went to the American Idol finale and VIP after-party. Seriously. Those crazy L.A. people… (Note: It was originally sent to my Dad, which is why she explains who all the celebrities are.)
Hey, you shoulda watched American Idol last night cause I got to go to the finale show! I might have been on TV! Did you ever watch it? It was pretty cool. Sharon Osbourne (but not Ozzy) was there, and a couple other famous people.
Then I got to go to the VIP after-party, and you’ll never believe it dad…I was standing in line behind Henry Winkler! The FONZ!!!! I wanted to get a picture with him (with thumbs-up, saying “Heeeeeyyyyy!”) but he went off with his kids to get *his* photo taken with Nicole Richie! (Lionel Richie’s daughter…that skanky girl on the FOX show “Simple Life”). Anyway, I also saw Ray Romano from Everybody Loves Raymond, and Leah Thompson (Back to the Future! Remember? Marty McFly’s girlfriend.) oh, and Al Borland from Home Improvement! Can’t remember his real name, but he looked exactly the same as on Tool Time. 🙂 Also saw Andy Richter who used to be on the Conan O’Brien show. And we even saw one of the guys from “Queer Eye for a Straight Guy.” !!!
And that’s about it. A couple other B-list celebrities, but it was pretty cool to see the Fonz and some others, since I haven’t really seen any super-famous people in LA yet. Cool!
In the header to that forwarded message, she added (to me):
pretty sweet, huh? i also think i saw the australian idol…does he have a big ‘fro? oh, and nicole richie TOTALLY made eye contact with me, like, twice. as i commented to my friend kristi? “okay, seriously, i think nicole richie WANTS ME.”
hmm. oh, and the guy from queer eye that we saw was jay, who is the somewhat lamest of the Fab 5…but he was still a cutie. and do you know who bobby trendy is? this super-gay hollywood fashionista who sometimes has shows on E and was also on the anna nicole smith show? yeah, i didn’t either…but we totally got our photo taken with him anyway.
ryan seacrest is SHORT. and the sexiest thing about simon is the man’s WALK. you never see it on tv, but he has this really proper, english way of walking that makes him soooo cute! love him!
okay, i’m done sounding like a 13-year old.
For the record that was the Australian Idol Guy Sebastian, I believe. He performed on the show last week so he probably hung around for the big winner. We don’t actually get the finale til this weekend so I’ll be watching to see if I can spot my sister!
Babel Fish, The Game
Martin Freeman (aka “Tim from The Office” and Arthur Dent in the upcoming Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy movie) has a very cool personal site that includes Babel Fish, The Game, a Flash game where you shoot little yellow fish into Martin’s ears. My best score so far is 94.
Roger Ebert’s Cannes Photo Album
Roger Ebert has posted his Cannes Photo Album. Not bad, Uncle Rog! I like the idea of him walking around with a camera just like all the other tourists.
Comic Books for Young Adults
This one’s for Amy, who’ll be starting her new library job soon: Comic Books for Young Adults, a guide for librarians wishing to integrate comics into their regular holdings. Pretty cool. I really enjoyed Joss Whedon’s Fray and I’ve found myself perusing the “Graphic Novels” section at Borders more often. The ones I want are all so expensive though! I’d love it if I could check them out of the library.
Fahrenheit 9/11 Australian premiere
Note to Aussies: Fahrenheit 9/11 is scheduled to premiere at the Melbourne Film Festival on July 22 and will open nationally a week later.
Abu boo boo
Nothing ruins the buzz of a nice cold beer on a sunny day quicker than hearing your co-workers joke about the fact that your President can’t even properly pronounce the name of the prison where we’ve been illegally torturing “enemy combatants.” What an idiot.
A treatise on matching socks…
“Treatise on matching socks for the modern obsessive-compulsive.” I have to admit I know exactly where Patrick is coming from here. I have a lot of seemingly identical black cotton socks that actually feel wildly and obviously different once they’re on my feet. I tend to judge by length and color fade at first, but the elasticity test is truly the ultimate weapon.
No Carb Diet
I know I’ve been cheating on the whole Atkins thing quite a lot lately… but I’m going to shape up, I swear. As of now, I’m going on the No Carb Diet. HA! That is brilliant. (Link courtesy of Emily.)