Check out this totally hypnotic Flash experiment involving silhouettes of people playing Catch. As you move your mouse, the red ball gets tossed from side to side. Very cool.
Author: Kris
The Harry Potter kids are all grown up…
Wow. When I first looked at this picture of Harry, Ron, and Hermione at the New York Harry Potter premiere, I honestly thought that was Reese Witherspoon standing in the middle. Upon further reflection, Emma looks pretty but I don’t like her hair that way. Daniel looks handsome. But Rupert… Please, cut your hair and put on some decent clothes. You look like David Charles (the degenerate red-headed hillbilly boy who lived near us in junior high). *shudder*
Are you a bad ass?
Are you a Bad Ass? Unfortunately, I am not. I scored a measley 19 points, which makes me a certified wimp (with a “ranking” of “tard”). That’s probably a fair assessment.
Impossible Objects
Impossible Objects. Neat! I’m guessing that the Rubik’s Cubes were disassembled and inserted one bit at a time, then reassembled inside the bottle. I have no clue how they did the baseball though.
Kill Bill Vol. II
“You know, I’ve always liked that word…”gargantuan”… so rarely have an opportunity to use it in a sentence.” We finally saw Kill Bill Vol. II tonight. It was excellent. I have a newfound respect for Darryl Hannah as an actress.
Dust, old ladies, hippies, and tat.
“Dust, old ladies, hippies, and tat.” That’s the summation of my Cat Protection Society Op Shop experience exactly as I SMSed it to the Snook this afternoon. I spent three hours “learning the ropes,” most of which involved me minding the till while Robin and Barbara (my two elderly co-volunteers) kept disappearing into the back room. They were supposedly sorting the newly-donated stock, yet whenever they appeared they had a suspiciously fresh “just-had-a-cup-of-tea” look about them. They were nice ladies though. The job wasn’t very difficult except for the fact that, oh, about 35% of the stock wasn’t actually priced. People kept bringing me things and I’d have to run back and ask them how much it was supposed to be. By the end of the afternoon I finally caught on to the fact that they were just making the prices up, so that’s what I started doing too. Made things easier.
And my fantasies of sitting there knitting while the occasional pensioner browsed through the teacups? Totally false. We were crazy busy the entire time I was there. Old people, young people, hippies looking for tie-dye, goths looking for velour, everybody. (There was even one lady that came in asking for knitting wool, and I was like, “Dude. If we had any, I’d have already bought it. Now move along.”) That place turned over more than two hundred bucks during my shift, most of which was absolute crap I wouldn’t put out in a garage sale. Every time I’d spot something particularly tacky and think to myself “I wouldn’t pay two cents for that,” some weirdo would come in and freak out over it. This otherwise normal looking guy paid $3 for a crappy white plastic hat with polka dots on it, because apparently it folds up really small and he’s been looking for one for years. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. Anyway, I haven’t been scheduled in for my next shift yet but that’s fine by me. My charitable urge has been sated for the time being.
Digital clock.
A very cool digital clock… of sorts.
SJP’s Guide to Keeping a Man
Sarah Jessica Parker’s Guide to Keeping a Man. Let me guess… Is the first step: “Marry a homosexual?”
Feline philanthropy.
The whole Famine experience has inspired me to be more charitable on a regular basis. That’s why I’ve arranged to volunteer at the Cat Protection Society Op Shop! I’m starting this Saturday morning. The op shop is the Society’s main source of funds for the cattery and it’s staffed entirely by volunteers. We had such a great experience with them when we got Dr. Amy Jones that I want to give something back to them. (They’ll also be getting a hefty donation of old clothes from the last time I cleaned out the wardrobe.)
Note for Yanks: An “op shop” – short for “opportunity shop” – is like what we’d call a “Goodwill” in the States. The difference is that there are many different organizations that run op shops here as fundraisers for various causes.
Feline Medical Curiosities
Feline Medical Curiosities. Oh, the poor kitties! The ones with no eyes freak me out.