The Herald has a nice interview with Ani Difranco (though it includes a not-too-favourable review of her latest album). She’s in town for a couple concerts. I’ve seen her in London and the US and I wouldn’t mind seeing her here, but I can’t find anybody who wants to go with me! (The Snook jokingly said he’d go only if I found him a “Cover me in honey and throw me to the lesbians” T-shirt to wear.)
Author: Kris
Interview with Arthur C. Clarke
The Onion A.V. Club is currently running an interview with Arthur C. Clarke, author of Max’s favorite movie.
I was happy to read this article from The Age about new birth control options for women that lessen or stop menstruation. Finally scientists are starting to realize that most women would be happier not having a period. I’ve been on Depo Provera for over two years now and it’s the Best. Thing. Ever. It’s like being a guy! And for those who are worried about being “unnatural”, it turns out that monthly bleeding isn’t exactly a natural state of events either:
And although it may initially seem unnatural, prolonged amenorrhoea is actually nothing new. An article in the Medical Bulletin of the International Planned Parenthood Federation last summer said, “regular menstruation is not natural: before modern contraception, women spent much of their reproductive lives amenorrhoeic as a consequence of either pregnancy or breastfeeding”.
Plus it’s fun to say and it’s got that cheery little “Amen!” in there. AMEN-ORRHOEA!
Political Compass
Somehow the “political compass” test came up in conversation with the Snook last night, and he revealed that he was pretty firmly in the leftist-libertarian camp. I couldn’t remember taking it before so I just did it myself… and I got leftist-libertarian. I should’ve expected that.
James Bond Barbie
I think I just found the Snook’s birthday present for this year… HA! (Link courtesy of PCJM.)
Cross your fingers…
I just sent off the final bits of my application for Permanent Residency. I managed to work in the photo of us as Buffy and Spike (to show that we attend parties and events together) but Snookums nixed my idea to use this one from the Sydney Peace Rally. Maybe after a change of government…
So happy.
I just stumbled across this picture of the first same-sex couple to be married in the United States. Seriously, look at that. It brings tears of joy to the eyes. How can anyone honestly say that these two wonderful old ladies shouldn’t be able to enjoy the same happiness and validation as everybody else? It almost makes me want to get married. Almost. 🙂
Knitted VW Bug Vest
Someone has constructed a knitted vest for her VW Beetle. That person is now my hero. (Link courtesy of not martha.)
Metafilter is back
Metafilter is back. Commence time wastage.