Author: Kris

  • Ebert’s Oscar Predictions

    I just realized that Ebert’s posted his Oscar predictions and he’s got some real surprises in there. For instance, he thinks Shohreh Aghdashloo will win Best Supporting Actress over popular choice Renee Zellweger. He also thinks Bill Murry might win over Sean Penn. Very interesting…

  • My Angry Eye

    Allergy Update: The Telfast really isn’t doing much for me anymore so last week I called a specialist recommended by my doctor. I booked an appointment with him in four weeks to do a prick test and see if we can finally figure out what the heck is causing this. On a related (and humourous) note, my left eye is completely bloodshot today. I think it’s because I had some allergan trapped in my contact that irritated it. I’m on a fresh pair now but the redness is still there. It doesn’t hurt though and I’m freaking all my co-workers out. Fear my angry eye!

  • The Dark Tower

    I finally cracked open my copy of Stephen King’s Wolves of the Calla yesterday and I’ve been engrossed ever since. I didn’t realize how much I missed Roland’s world. Today I came across, which is a fan site dedicated to the series (and its intersections with King’s other books). I’m particularly interested in the Roadmap since there are lots of connecting books I haven’t read. I think Salem’s Lot will be next on my list. There’s a lot about Father Callahan in Wolves and I can’t wait to read his backstory in more depth.

  • The Shameless Acquisition of Stuff

    Hooray! Our Amazon package finally came today. The Snook and I had amassed quite a large gift certificate total (courtesy of Christmas gifts, commissions from my Dahl site, and payment for Harry Potter scarves) so we splurged like the happy little Sims that we are. We added the Buffy Season 4 & 5 DVDs to our collection, along with The Office Season 1, Baz Luhrman’s production of La Boheme, and Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?. (I stage managed a production of that last one in college and I absolutely love the movie.) We also picked up two Indian cookbooks and four Calvin & Hobbes collections. It’s been ages since we bought any new books or movies so we’re just in consumer bliss right now. This should keep us busy for a week or two. (Incidentally, should any of you wish to contribute to our further acquisition of stuff, we have a wish list. Oh, and my birthday’s in a month.)

    Like I said, shameless.

  • MetaFilter status

    I have seen a world without MetaFilter, and I don’t like it. At last Matt has a status update for those of us who have lost purpose in life.

  • Ugh

    Ugh. My nemesis is in town.

  • iPod Zombies Eat New York

    Max found a funny article about the plague of New Yorkers using their iPods to tune out the world. I think the reporter was exaggerating a little bit though. There’s nothing intrinsically magical about an iPod that lets you tune out other people better than with a regular old Walkman. You can just do it for longer. I especially liked this quote from an iPodder:

    “It’s a society within itself… You’ve got your biker community, your hip-hop community. And now you’ve got your iPod community. It’s all about those wires.”

    Word. I’m so sick of waiting for Australia to get its shipment of In-Ear headphones!

  • WB Cancels Angel

    Looks like the WB has cancelled Angel. To be honest, I really have no idea what’s been happening on that show. The Snook and I are still back in Season 1 of the DVDs. I wonder if this means they can do a big happy ending with a SMG cameo? That’d be nice.

  • Three new things.

    Happy Valentine’s Day! The Snook and I celebrated with a night on the town. I did three new things that I’d never done before:

    • I ate a raw oyster! Seriously! With just a bit of lime juice! And I didn’t die.
    • I went to Star City, which is my first casino visit ever. It was insane. We didn’t bet anything.
    • We took the light rail home. Not exciting, but still a first for me.

    What did you do?

  • Webmonkey is leaving…

    Wow, Lycos laid off everybody at Webmonkey. And with that, the last vestige of the 90’s Internet boom is swept away…