The Oscar Contest now has almost 150 entries. Who are all you people? I really hope we don’t have a twenty-way tie. On a related note, there’s apparently some controversy about Fernando Meirelles’s nomination for directing City of God. Apparently another filmmaker named Katia Lund basically co-directed it but she’s gotten very little credit. It sucks that Meirelles has, like, no chance of winning, because that might be her only chance to get a mention.
Author: Kris
Star Wars Trilogy on DVD
The Star Wars trilogy is finally coming to DVD… and I’m a little disappointed with the announcement. It looks as if they’re coming as a four-disc set with only the “Special Edition” version of the films. There’s a documentary and some missing footage, but it doesn’t sound like there are any commentaries or anything. The Snook and I predict that George is going the Peter Jackson route and he’ll later release collector’s editions with lots of extras. Money grubbing bastard!
Strike me down!
“Quotes From Either President of the United States George W. Bush or Senator/Chancellor/Emperor Palpatine From The Star Wars Movies”. I got them all right, but then again, I’m a big Star Wars nerd.
Packrat behaviour.
I often tease the Snook about being a packrat. He saves everything on the off-chance he might need it someday. Me, I’m the opposite. I have a psychological need to purge. I often err on the side of getting rid of things, even things that I probably should keep. That’s why these pictures scared the hell out of me. That, my friends, is my nightmare and – I fear – the Snook’s future. *shudder* (Link via Metafilter.)
Craigslist Downunder!
Woohoo! Craigslist will soon be launching in Sydney and Melbourne. Sweet.
Thirty-six degrees.
It’s thirty-six degrees here today. Yeah, that’s thirty-six degrees Celsius. And it’s only going to get hotter this week…
Friday Five
1. What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done?
Hmm. Daring can mean a lot of things. If you mean actual “risk of death”, then it would have to be going skydiving. I went with a bunch of girls from my dorm (“The Parachutin’ Weasels!”) during Senior Week ’99. If you mean “courage I didn’t know I had”, that would be sticking out that first week in London by myself. I had no money, no friends, and an intimidating new job. It took every bit of nerve not to cut my losses and head home.2. What one thing would you like to try that your mother/friend/significant other would never approve of?
Well, the Snook’s pretty liberal. I can’t really think of anything that would offend him that I would actually care to do. Now, my mother on the other hand…3. On a scale of 1-10, what’s your risk factor? (1=never take risks, 10=it’s a lifestyle)
I’d say I’m probably a 4. I do the occasional risky thing but for the most part I’m pretty meek. I don’t do extreme sports; I don’t take drugs; I don’t gamble. I’m pretty boring, actually.4. What’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you as a result of being bold/risky?
If I hadn’t stayed in London… I wouldn’t have met the Snook. He’s the best.5. … and what’s the worst?
I’ve had my navel pierced twice and it never healed properly and I now have a scary mutant little scar there. My navel doesn’t like being pierced. No more extreme body manipulation for me. -
I don’t understand. How can they call something a “free trade agreement” when it still includes tariffs and quotas on Australian goods? I suspect the US is screwing us.
Snookums’s Conspiracy Theory: Note that the raids on Kazaa happened, like, three days before the agreement got signed. He thinks that it was a condition imposed by the US (via the RIAA). Sneaky record industry bastards!
Unintentionally Funny URL O’ The Day: It’s not what you expect.