Which reminds me… I’m having a little bit of an issue with the contest links. I decided to allow each entrant to list their personal website if they had one, and it would automatically show up on the list of participants. A couple people have interpreted “personal website” rather creatively though. There are some business sites (which I have left for the time being) and at least one porn site (which is now gone). I don’t want to be prudish or anything, but that’s not really what I intended with the list. I don’t know if the person was making a joke or whether they really wanted to trick people (possibly even kids – this site has no age limits) into seeing something nasty, but I decided to kill it. I let their entry stand since it looked legitimate, but I’m going to be closely checking each new link that gets posted. I just wanted to offer an explanation in case anybody’s wondering why their hyperlink was suddenly removed.
Author: Kris
Cake on a Stick
It might just be Atkins-induced carb cravings… but these Cake on a Stick things look pretty darn good! (Link courtesy of Virtual Linda, who became the 94th person to enter my Oscar contest today. I’ve been periodically checking through the entry links and there are some great undiscovered blogs in there.)
Ebert’s review of Japanese Story
Japanese Story appears to have finally hit the U.S. (only four months late)… and Ebert’s a fan. I wondered what he’d think of it. Hmm, I wonder if that means that Toni Collette would be eligible for the Oscar next year. She rocked the house in this movie.
Toilet training cats
How to train a cat to use a toilet. I am intrigued.
Detox program, anyone?
The Snook and I are considering doing the Quick Cleanse Detox Program. For two weeks you go vegetarian and cut out all sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and processed foods. You also take a lot of herbal supplements that basically make you poo out all your stored toxins. Has anybody done anything similar? Any tips or bits of advice?
Wedding proposal case mod
How does a geek propose to his girlfriend? With a wedding cake case mod. That’s awesome. (I’d settle for a brand new G5 though.)
Fly, fly, social butterfly!
The Snook and I have been uncharacteristically busy this weekend. Friday night we met up with Kristen and Mark on the Australian leg of their round-the-world tour at my favorite restaurant. A good time was had by all. That accounts for the first picture below. (Please disregard my crazy hair though. We were on Darling Harbour and it was being whipped in front of my eyes. It’s not normally that messy.)
Saturday we headed into the suburbs for the wedding of my coworker Martin and his fiancee Mimi. They’re Korean-Australian Catholics and we were among maybe a dozen non-Koreans at the ceremony (out of about 300). The whole mass was conducted in Korean. We didn’t understand a word. The food at the reception was fantastic though and I loved the traditional Korean dress Mimi changed into afterwards. (She promised to hook me up with one if/when I ever get married!) Thus the second two pictures, which show the happy couple along with the Snook and me. Afterwards we headed home for more socializing and recuperating before yet another engagement tomorrow…
Sidenote for my sister, who cares about such things: Yeah, that’s a new dress. I just got it a couple days ago marked down from $90 to $40. It’s sorta silky see-through black with a shiny lining underneath, and the top is V-neck with a few sequins. It reaches about to my knees and then has an asymmetrical ruffly hem. (I know; I normally hate diagonal hems. But this one looked good on me, I swear!) The problem was the skinny spaghetti straps, and the fact that the dress had sort of a high, squarish racer back. I realized right away that I couldn’t wear a normal bra with it, so I went into the city yesterday for a strapless. I was actually surprised how comfy the strapless was (considering the weight of my boobage). It held up really well. It was only at the end of the reception, when I went to the bathroom and adjusted myself, that I realized how tightly it was digging into my ribs. But otherwise it worked well and made the dress look a lot better. Unfortunately it was cut a bit lower than stuff I normally wear, so I was constantly nervous and I made Rodd be on Bra Guard to make sure nothing showed. And yeah, before you mention it, I really need to get my hair dyed… Those roots are pretty shocking.
Mary-Ellis Bunim dies…
Wow. I literally gasped when I read that Mary-Ellis Bunim had died. She was one of the creators of The Real World and thus could be credited with starting the whole reality tv genre.
Yeah, baby!
Yeah, baby! I’m #150 on Blogdex with a bullet. I think that’s my highest ever. Come on; throw a little more linky-love my way, folks! 🙂
Later: Bah. I’ve dropped off already.
New Apple Usenet Client
Note to self: Download this new OSX Usenet client when you get home.