Author: Kris

  • The smugness of the good speller

    The smugness of the County Spelling Bee Champion.
    Ha! The next time I get into an argument with someone who calls me a “Spelling Nazi”, I’m going to point them to this NYT article. Summary: Dumb eBay sellers list items with misspelled titles. Smart buyers find the items, buy them cheap, relist them with correct spellings, and sell for a tidy profit. I repeat, HA!

  • Tomato explosion!

    Holy crap! Our cherry tomatoes are finally coming ripe and we’ve got too many of them. I just picked about fifty and there are plenty more still green. I’m thinking of making some homemade salsa. Anybody got a good recipe? Actually, do you have any other ideas for what to do with them? Suggestions welcome, as otherwise we’ll be eating nothing but salad for the rest of the summer!

  • web-goddess Oscar Contest 2004

    It’s that time again! The Oscar nominees have been announced and the web-goddess Oscar Contest 2004 starts today. First prize is, of course, a sock monkey. (If you already have one of my sock monkeys, a doggie will instead be offered.) Current predictions can be seen here. Only one entry per person and you can’t make changes, so only enter once you’re really sure! But then again, entry date is the ultimate tiebreaker so you don’t want to put it off too long. Good luck!

    Special thanks to my friend Mardi of soulcreative who designed the awesome logo for me. She’s a designer. You should hire her.

  • Bacon Soap

    How to make soap from bacon fat. (PDF) Seriously. Just flip to page 18. I am strangely intrigued by this idea.

  • Virus Alert

    There’s a nasty new Windows virus making the rounds and one of you may have it. I’ve been getting flooded with bounced e-mails that have spoofed my address as the sender. So if you get anything suspicious from me, don’t click on it! (I don’t have the virus; I have a Mac.) If you’re on Windows, you should probably check out that link and make sure you haven’t been infected. I’m guessing one of you has, as it would’ve picked up my domain from your address book or cache.

  • Jem and the Holograms… on DVD!

    Oh my God… Jem and the Holograms is being released on DVD! Sadly, I would purchase this in a heartbeat. I watched way too many episodes of that as a kid. (Thanks to Bill for the heads-up.)

  • Camp Creative photos are up!

    Mmm, chocolate-coated frozen banana on a stick!My photos from Camp Creative are up! You can see some of the stuff other folks did in the different classes. There are also pictures from our trip to Dorrigo and my much-anticipated visit to the Big Banana. And yes, that’s the Snook and I eating chocolate-coated frozen bananas on sticks. They look obscene but they sure taste yummy!

  • We’re back!

    We’re back! There’s nothing like a week away to make you appreciate being in your own house with your own things. Our tomatoes have finally started turning red so we’re going to start eating them tomorrow. I made a cursory attempt at catching up on my surfing and it was like total information overload. People have new designs and side projects and Dean lost in Iowa and Bennifer are through and another Mars rover landed… and I just can’t get a grasp on it at the moment. I’ve got lots of photographs to upload but I just don’t have the energy. All I want to do right now is crawl into bed. I’ll get busy with all that other stuff tomorrow. (Thank God we have a holiday.) It’s good to be home.

    And did I mention how awesome Dorrigo was yesterday? Here’s the Snook and I standing behind Crystal Showers Waterfall in the rainforest. It was amazing.

    Behind Crystal Showers Waterfall

  • Heading to the rainforest…

    It’s our last day in the country so we’re heading up to Dorrigo, which is apparently this area up on a plateau in the mountains with lots of temperate rainforests and waterfalls. I’ve never seen a real waterfall! Should be fun…

  • Camp Creative is Finished

    Camp Creative is finished. To tell you the truth, I was feeling pretty burnt out by the fifth day. We were supposed to be doing these “wiber” (wire + fiber) necklaces that basically consisted of wool wrapped around with wire to make a big round dorky ring. I declined. Instead I started experimenting with peyote stitching my tiny beads and ended up making three small pretty rings. They look good! Another item for my eventual craft stall. After lunch we had a big Student Exhibition where everybody put their stuff out for perusal. Ma Snook was even persuaded to put out the two groovy dolls she made. I took several pictures that I’ll post next weekend when I get home. So now we’re just relaxing for a couple more days. We’ll be back in Sydney in time for a big Australia Day piss-up on Monday.