Author: Kris

  • My weekend…

    • Dinner at the new Bridge Street Wagamama. Way too many carbs, but oh. so. yummy.
    • Cheap bacon and egg breakfast at the greasy spoon down the street. Again, yummy.
    • Browsed through the DVD sale at Kmart and picked up a copy of Strange Brew, which the Snook has never seen. Eh, hoser.
    • Managed to get ht://Check running (with the Snook’s help). Used it to scan Roald Dahl for broken links. Found several hundred. Ouch.
    • Ran 4K and then biked 5K at the gym.
    • Did many, many loads of laundry.
    • Knitted half a dozen more stripes on Harry Potter scarf.
    • Scrubbed mildew in bathroom shower.
    • Enjoyed the hot sun in our freestanding backyard hammock.
    • Cheered for Australia. Cheered against England.
    • Read another hundred pages of Mansfield Park.
    • Repotted our lemon tree into a bigger pot, then successfully separated our conjoined pineapple twins into two other pots.
    • Attended Pump class at gym. Now cannot move.

    Yeah, we were busy. But it feels good to be productive. Check out our garden. First two pics are of the newly separated pineapples, while the last is of our veggies. See how big our corn is getting? The cherry tomatoes are coming along nicely too.

    Lemon tree and pineapple     The other pineapple     The veggie patch

  • Australia wins!

    Australia wins! We’ve become the first defending Rugby World Cup champion to make it to the Finals the next year. We’ll be taking on either France or England next Saturday. (If it’s England, I know at least one household that’s going to have a difficult week…)

  • Whoa! Madaboutwine has finally died. It was the first dotcom I worked on and, four years later, it was one of the last ones standing. I feel oddly sad about it.

  • Nerd Purity Test. I am 59% pure, meaning I am 41% nerd. I expected that.

  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban teaser trailer is now available! I grabbed the lowest-quality version this morning before work (it’s about 5MB) and even that looks good. I audibly gasped when I realized I was looking at a Dementor. The Snook was like, “Ooh, what are the scary black things?” Poor boy; he hasn’t read the books and he’s got no idea. I don’t want to spoil him for this one at all. Only seven months to go!

  • Trivia Update: We sucked big time. And Comic Book Guy’s team won again! We think they cheat. I did manage to win us a bonus jug of beer for knowing the actress that starred opposite Harrison Ford in Temple of Doom, and my number got drawn in the joker poker. (I won a calculator.) We came soooo close to winning the $900 jackpot. I knew the author that collaborated with Stephen King on The Talisman and the Snook knew the first town in Italy to host the Winter Olympics. (Thank you, Amazing Race!) We blew it on Buddy Holly’s only hit in Australia after his death. Anyway, your other questions for the day are:

    • Which five letters of the alphabet most frequently appear in written English?
    • Which three countries in Asia start with the letter “A”?
    • Name the six British monarchs of the 20th century.
    • Name the five James Bond movies with one-word titles.

    Good luck!

  • Orgy on the Great Barrier Reef. That sounds spectacular. (It’s not what you think.)

  • In case you’ve ever wondered what the New Zealand rugby team are saying when they do their scary ass war chant, this site has everything you need to know about the haka. Other than the whole “I die! I die! I live! I live!” bit, it’s really not as intimidating as it sounds.

  • Are you going to be in London from December ’03 to March ’04? You lucky jerk. You get to go see Giles in Peter Pan and The Pirates of Penzance! (Thanks to Jenny for the link.)

    On a related note, the Snook mentioned that Ian McKellen’s going to be doing an upcoming play here at the Opera House. Fun! I actually saw him as Captain Hook in Peter Pan in London in the spring of ’98. He was fantastic, as you might expect.