Thanks to Rent-a-Chook, I’m now obsessed with the idea of raising chickens in our backyard. They could eat all the scraps that the worms don’t and weed our garden too! And they’d make lots of yummy free range eggs for us. The only problem is our apartment; I’m not sure the landlord would approve. Drat. There go my fantasies of living The Good Life.
Author: Kris
“Not all Americans are evil.” A well-appreciated essay from Eric Schlosser, author of Fast Food Nation. (Link courtesy of Expats Against Bush.)
Thanks to Amy for the heads up about Spellbound returning to Sydney cinemas. I was disappointed to have missed it the first time so I’m definitely planning to go. I missed going to the National Spelling Bee by four places in junior high. I won our County Bee but only finished fifth in the regionals. Can’t say I regret it though, as it sounds like a nightmare of stress.
Ebert adds Alien to his list of Great Movies. I’m embarrassed to admit that I’ve never actually seen it!
Ted from Queer Eye and The Elf from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer… Separated at birth? Hahahaha. I love Ted.
Did anyone else think that Rove, Paulini, and Millsy were covertly bashing Cosima on Rove Live tonight? I loved it. Laughed and laughed.
Gym Stuff.
You know what annoys me? People that offer unsolicited nutrition and exercise advice without knowing anything about me. Somebody recently suggested that I increase my carb level since I’m doing all that long distance running. Newsflash! I’m not doing the running anymore. I’ve been on a weightlifting program for over a month. I do cardio training but only for short periods (working at a target heart rate). Also – how do you know how many carbs I’m eating? I mean honestly. Some people doing Atkins (the ones in Lifetime Maintenance) eat up to 100 grams of carbs a day! “Eat more carbs” is vague advice based on nothing but assumptions. I eat plenty of carbs. I just choose to ingest them in the form of green vegetables instead of white flour. I’d certainly consider changing my diet if I expected to run a marathon anytime soon, but I don’t. And besides, it’s not like I’m an Olympian or anything……Which seques nicely into this long article on the effects of banned substances in athletes. It’s fascinating. The author actually subjects himself to many of the popular drugs and steroids to see what happens. Some of it sounds awful (especially the possible side effects), but I was surprised to see his positive experience with human growth hormone. Who wouldn’t like to see better and have scars disappear? Reminds me about all the supposed benefits of the DHEA my thyroid doctor put me on. (For the record, I haven’t really noticed any side effects beyond the fact that I’m not cold all the time anymore, which was the whole point of taking them.) Right now I’d love some sort of muscle steroid; I pulled the hell out of my shoulder in Pump class on Saturday and it’s not getting any better. Any ideas that don’t involve thousands of dollars worth of synthesized hormones? (For the clueless, yes, this is a solicitation for advice. So comment away!)
Hooray! The evening wasn’t a total loss… The USA Eagles finally won! The Eagles defeated Japan 39-26 to snap a sixteen-year losing streak. And we got a bonus point! How sweet is that?!
Gah. Australian Idol is a friggin’ tragedy. The two best singers scored the least votes, and the amazingly talented Paulini got booted. Meanwhile the two big bland white dorks go through for another week. I give up. I’m not voting anymore and I’m not watching. The Australian public has let me down in a big way.