Author: Kris

  • Dear Residents of California*,
    Thanks a friggin’ lot. It’s hard enough being an American living overseas – what with our President being a megalomaniacal assclown and all – and you had to go and elect the Terminator. My co-workers have been laughing about it all morning. There’s only so much defending I can do, and this is pretty much indefensible. I know the bumper stickers are going to be hilarious and all, but is that really justification for electing a Hitler-praising, debate-avoiding, no-policy-or-experience-having steroid-abusing womanizer? I guess I should just be happy that Indiana’s former status as “State who Elects the Dumbest Politicians” (courtesy of Dan Quayle) has finally been overshadowed.

    * Except for my sister, who wasn’t eligible to vote, and thus is exempt from my ire.

  • Note to Self: Study this list of world flags. It’s trivia night!

  • Snook sent me a link to this article alleging that Chip and Reichen have officially “divorced”. Too bad.

  • New Poll: What’s your tummy remedy?

  • I’m trying to talk the Snook into participating in the Blogger Boobie-Thon for Breast Cancer with me. He’s got nice boobies.

  • What do you eat when you’ve got, uh, an “upset tummy”? I woke up with a mild case of food poisoning this morning and I haven’t been able to keep a single thing in my stomach for longer than five minutes. I know I need to eat but I can’t think of anything low-risk. Thoughts?

  • Ma Snook and I are thinking about attending Camp Creative in a few months. It’s like summer camp for grownups! I like the sound of the beading, felting, and quilting courses. The Snook himself will not be attending though, as he thinks it will be full of “dirty hippies”.

  • Tonight I saw Japanese Story, a new Australian film starring Toni Collette. I’m not sure I can say anything meaningful about it without giving everything good away. As the director says, “Some people have just gone, like, you know, I don’t get it and I don’t even want to get it, you know? And then some people go, you know, thanks, I got it.” I think I fall somewhere in the middle. But sometimes it’s good, you know, to not “get” every single thing. I’m still thinking about it. I’d definitely recommend it.

  • Discovery: there’s another Wagamama in Sydney!

  • Another item for my Christmas list!