Weekend Accomplishments
Did I mention that it’s Labour Day here? I really needed the three-day weekend. I entertained some of my girlfriends from the office here Friday night – in case you were wondering, that wasn’t me flashing her boobs on OfficeCam, incidentally – and spent most of Saturday recovering. I also knitted like crazy. I finished another Harry Potter scarf order – a Slytherin for Kathy. Check it out. (Did I tell you that I got my hair chopped off a few weeks ago? Because I did. It looks like crap here though because I was out in the rain.) I also braved the school holiday hordes in the city today to get myself some new gym shoes. I went to the Athlete’s Foot in Centrepoint and got properly measured and Fitprinted. It turns out that I have relatively flat arches but I’m weird in that I tend to roll my feet to the outside (whereas most of my flat-footed brethren roll to the inside). So I got hooked up with some sweet New Balance Women’s 811 running shoes. (Apparently they’re a new model because I can’t find them on the site anywhere.) So that’s my weekend done!