Author: Kris

  • DreamioContest: My company has just launched a new product called the Dreamio. Seriously. An expensive, high-end consumer electronic device called a Dreamio. The mind boggles. Do marketers actually get paid to come up with this stuff? My co-workers and I are having fun coming up with other things more deserving of the name. My favorites so far have been: a luxury pillow, a sex toy, and a “soccer playing Smurf”. Got any better? I’ll send a Harry Potter knitted bookmark to the person who comes up with the best alternative. Post your suggestions in the comments.

  • Unless it rains soon, as of October 1st it will become illegal in Sydney to use a lawn sprinkler or wash your car with a hose. Premier Bob Carr says that this will be remembered as “the first time global warming affected our way of life”. While homebrewing is not yet banned, I think the Snook’s going to have to work on making the process a little more water-efficient.

  • Last night I organized our entire CD collection and put them all into new binders. I was amused to see that we have a CD for every letter of the alphabet except for U and Z. Any recommendations? The Snook suggested UB40 and ZZTop, but I’m thinking we can do better than that…

  • Want to help make the world’s longest scarf? The project is being run as part of next year’s Stitched Up Textile Festival in Wangaratta, Australia. Even beginning knitters can take part! Using 8-ply wool and 4mm needles, cast on 66 stitches and knit one metre lengths of garter stitch (knit every row). They should end up being 12 inches wide. Then just send them to the address listed. After the world record is verified, they’ll break up the lengths and use them to make blankets for the needy. I’m going to be doing it!

  • Did you ever have one of those experiences where you try to do something normal and it turns out completely surreal? Last night I met the Snook in the city to buy his computer monitor. We decided to hire a cab and save on the $30 delivery fee. So we walked down York Street from the Queen Victoria Building, went in the shop, and paid for the monitor. I’m positive that only took fifteen minutes. We left with the box and hailed a cab to take it home. Two minutes later a man ran over as we were sitting at the red light. “You guys might want to get out,” he said. “There’s a protest going on up there and the cops have blocked the street.” What? It was like a flash mob. Sometime during the fifteen minutes we were at the computer store, a hundred Chilean protestors converged on York Street and started chanting about Pinochet and anti-Americanism. It was a little weird. We decided to stay with our cabbie though and he managed to get us through, only to run into atrocious traffic everywhere else. Eventually we made our way around to Glebe but the only street to our house from that direction is one-way… going the other way. “It’s okay,” I said. “We can just go around the block.” “No, it’s cool!” the driver said, before throwing it into reverse and speeding down the street backwards. The Snook and I were both yelling and holding on for life as he explained that the police cameras can only bust you if they see your car pointing the wrong way down the one-way street. How comforting. We finally screeched to a stop outside the apartment and we scrambled out. The fare? Thirty dollars. I’ll be sticking to mass transportation from now on. Sheesh.

  • License plate I saw this morning on my way in to work: GDAYM8. That made me smile.

  • Trivia Update: I know… It’s Thursday! The schedule has changed. We’re actually going back to the Nag’s Head for trivia (since it’s closer to the new house) and trivia there is on Wednesday nights. They have better prizes too, but unfortunately we didn’t get any of them because we sucked. Your questions for the week: Which TV show featured the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo? What type of reptile is a basilisk? Which world leader coined the phrase “the mother of all battles”?

  • The other night the Snook and I caught Woman on Top on TV. I can’t believe I actually liked a Penelope Cruz movie. It was funny and sweet and romantic. Ebert thought it was fluff, but it was enjoyable fluff. Plus I love me some Harold Perrineau. If you like good food and you’re not afraid of a whimsical movie (think Amelie), you should definitely rent it.

  • The Herald picks the ten most “attention-getting pop-cultural” kisses in history. I’d have put that Michael Jackson one at the top.

  • I’m ranting about marriage over at Glitter. Again, just as I start to think it’s something I want to do, somebody has to go and ruin it. In this case it’s a person who thinks that only people who are married or who intend to get married should live together. Otherwise you’re just “wasting time.” Grrrr.