Snookums and I were talking recently about the nastiest (real) candy we had personally tried. The worst I could come up with was Swedish Fish, which have a flavor I like to describe as “ass”. I didn’t think he could top that, but boy was I wrong. I’d like to introduce the rest of the world to the concept of Musk Sticks. Yes, it’s pink extruded candy flavored with musk. Musk… as in the animal excretion. (Pause for group involuntary shudder.) It’s evidently a classic Australian sweet. The Snook’s verdict: “They’re disgusting. How does The BFG describe snozzcumbers? They’re like that. My sister likes them though.” They remind me of the DOE-P stuff my Dad used to sprinkle around to attract deer during hunting season. I won’t be trying them anytime soon.
What’s the grossest thing you know of that people actually eat?