Race results are in! There I am at #374 with a time of 35:33. I came in at 96th for my age group though, which is pretty sweet.
Author: Kris
Bah, Father’s Day. I nearly missed it. It isn’t til September here, so if my sister hadn’t reminded me yesterday I would’ve forgotten completely. I did get to talk to my Dad though, so I’m still on the Good Child list. Happy Father’s Day, Dad! See you in a week! 🙂
Oh, the horror. Yes, those are armless and faceless sock monkey corpses littering our coffee table on CouchCam. I know; it’s a disturbing image. I’m finally catching up with my monkey backlog though, so those of you who are waiting should be getting one soon!
“No one who has seen ‘Birth of a Nation’ or ‘Gone With the Wind’ could fail to recognize the resemblance between the relationship of Scarlett O’Hara and Mammy and of Master Barry and Winky,” Mendelsohn writes.
I have now officially heard everything. What a ridiculous comparison. I’m not arguing that there are racial issues in Harry Potter; that much is obvious. But Mammy and Scarlett? Mammy was strong-willed and gave as good as she got in that relationship. She was a member of the family. Winky was not a member of the Crouch family. (And her master was Barty, not Barry.) I’d agree with a comparison of Civil War-era human racism and wizarding racism in general, but using these specific examples is just silly.
The World’s Smallest Game of Pong is not as difficult to play as you might think, though I still lose every time. I just suck at Pong. (Link courtesy of Kristen’s soon-to-be-hubby Mark.)
Good grief. My site was down all day! Sorry about that.
Greek Key Jumper
Curse be damned; I knitted the Snook a sweater. This is my first seamless and patternless sweater and the first of my own design. The stripe pattern is from a woven scarf his mother gave him a few years back. (I just graphed it and worked it twice, once in reverse.) The sweater itself is green and the pattern’s in grey. It’s made of a thick Aran wool and it really absorbs the light, which makes it pretty hard to see here. It’s got a regular crew neck and raglan sleeves, which means the seamlines run up diagonally from the armpit to the neck (like a sweatshirt). My biggest problem was getting the cast-off collar loose enough to fit over his head! Here some more pictures of him in his favorite modeling poses:
The first is called “The Beach is That Way!”…
…and the second is “What Time is It?”. I make him do them whenever he tries something on, because it cracks my shit up.
I did it.
Thanks to everyone for their training advice over the past few months. My time for the 5K was 35:30, which is almost ten minutes faster than last year! I didn’t feel like I was going very fast, but I didn’t have to walk much and I only had one sip of water along the course. I also hit on a new strategy halfway through the race: pick someone ahead of you and make sure you beat them. In my case it was a short chubby girl with the endurance of a plow horse. I kept up with her the whole way and finally blew by her on the final turn. It felt wonderful. The Snook was there taking pictures and hopefully I’ll get some from the official photographer too. Thanks again to everyone who was mentally cheering me on. Next year – the 10K! Â
Twelve hours til the race… I’m kinda dreading it.
I told you so!
Elbow licking mutants are among us, and my boyfriend’s one of them. His mother also confirmed on the phone tonight that he inherited the trait from her. In case you’re wondering, it’s not that they have freakishly long tongues so much as really bendy and double-jointed shoulders. Snookums can pull his arm right back behind his head! I have yet to determine what biological advantage such a trait gives in the larger scheme of evolution.