Just found a great interview with Gary Oldman about his role as Sirius Black in Azkaban. (There’s a slight spoiler at the very end if you haven’t read the fifth book.) Some thoughts:
- Gary Oldman “needed the work”? That’s a damn shame.
- He was married to Uma? Uma Uma??
- His kids are named Alfie, Gulliver, and Charlie. I think Charlie lucked out.
- Someone please tell him that Friends is over.
- Whoa, Mo Slater from EastEnders is his sister? I didn’t know that!
- If Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs had been the Beatles, Oldman thinks that Sirius was John Lennon. I’ve never quite thought of them that way before.
- I liked the bit where he said he was all excited about earning money for four more films… until he read the fifth book. Damn.
Overall he comes much funnier and less weird than I expected. I’m getting so excited about this movie!