Author: Kris

  • Beware of the cliff.

    Beware of the cliff

    Today the Snook and I joined Amy for a trip to the Blue Mountains. Our first destination was the Three Sisters in Katoomba, as I’d never seen them. Then we did a little window-shopping and had lunch. Finally, off to do some real Aussie bush-walking. Our chosen path was the Grand Canyon Track which is 5 kilometers down into a sub-tropical canyon. We climbed down rocks and slithered under overhangs and splashed across streams, all with a minimum of hand-holds (and none of the accompanying legal waivers you’d expect in a similar American setting). I did fairly well; I only slipped a few times and I didn’t take any tumbles. My difficulties only began when we had to start climbing out again at the other end. That’s when carrying the extra weight really catches up with you. I felt like I was climbing the Endless Stair of Mordor. I was sweaty, tired, and puffing like a freight train. Finally I made it out. The guidebook says it’s a 3.5 hour walk; we did it in 3 flat. Kickass. We’re going to do it again in six months and see if we improve. More pictures tomorrow (assuming my legs function well enough to get me out of bed).

  • Pope Steve I

    Pope Steve I. According to the BBC, Mac users are Catholic and Windows users are Protestant. Now put down that pirated copy of XP and go say three Hail Woz’s.

  • Calling all Sydney wizards!

    Calling all Sydney wizards! I was just in Glebe where I discovered that Gleebooks is hosting a train trip to Hogsmeade to celebrate the launch of the new book. Anybody else want to join me and the Snook? (I think he’s going to have to be a Slytherin.)

  • I did it.

    I did it! I just sent off my membership application to the Knitters’ Guild of NSW. I also volunteered to be their Website Convenor, since they’re in need of one. I’m in, girls!

  • Hoax!

    The Wendy’s Chili Finger was a HOAX! Whoa!

  • Roo Poo Paper

    Roo Poo Paper. The mind boggles. I didn’t know you could make paper out of poo! I guess it’s probably just mostly vegetable matter anyway, huh?

  • Korean BBQ Dos and Don’ts

    Korean Barbecue Do’s and Don’ts. I’m hoping to take the fam out to Korean BBQ in Strathfield if/when they come to visit in January… (Link courtesy of Not Martha.)

  • Revenge of the Sith Script

    As all my reserves of willpower are currently being used in sticking to the diet, I hesitated all of about three seconds before clicking on Kevin‘s link to the Star Wars Episode 3 Script. And now I’m spreading the guilt around by offering the temptation to you. Suckers.

  • General American English

    What Type of American English Do You Speak? I’m 75% General American English, 10% Upper Midwestern, 5% Dixie, 5% Midwestern, and 5% Yankee. I figured that much. A lot of them I had to think about though, since I don’t use many of those phrases over here. I should totally write my own quiz: “Which version of International English do you speak?” Question 1: Do you say a) ass, b) ahhhss, or c) arse? Question 2: How many syllables are in the chemical element with the symbol ‘Al’? (Hint: You probably have a roll of it in your kitchen.) Question 3: Is it a) ketchup, b) catsup, or c) tomato sauce?

    I got a million of ’em. (Link courtesy of Brigita, who definitely pronounces ‘envelope’ and ‘amen’ correctly but regrettably stuffs up ‘aunt.’)

  • Spitting mad.

    Does this make anybody else spitting mad? This is the kind of crap that makes me grateful to live in Australia right now. As long as a drug is legal, a pharmacist should be required to dispense it. If you’re not happy with that, you shouldn’t be a pharmacist. Simple. I have a moral objection to Feathers yarn, but you don’t see me withholding it from customers, now do you?