Today the Snook and I joined Amy for a trip to the Blue Mountains. Our first destination was the Three Sisters in Katoomba, as I’d never seen them. Then we did a little window-shopping and had lunch. Finally, off to do some real Aussie bush-walking. Our chosen path was the Grand Canyon Track which is 5 kilometers down into a sub-tropical canyon. We climbed down rocks and slithered under overhangs and splashed across streams, all with a minimum of hand-holds (and none of the accompanying legal waivers you’d expect in a similar American setting). I did fairly well; I only slipped a few times and I didn’t take any tumbles. My difficulties only began when we had to start climbing out again at the other end. That’s when carrying the extra weight really catches up with you. I felt like I was climbing the Endless Stair of Mordor. I was sweaty, tired, and puffing like a freight train. Finally I made it out. The guidebook says it’s a 3.5 hour walk; we did it in 3 flat. Kickass. We’re going to do it again in six months and see if we improve. More pictures tomorrow (assuming my legs function well enough to get me out of bed).
Author: Kris
Pope Steve I
Pope Steve I. According to the BBC, Mac users are Catholic and Windows users are Protestant. Now put down that pirated copy of XP and go say three Hail Woz’s.
Calling all Sydney wizards!
Calling all Sydney wizards! I was just in Glebe where I discovered that Gleebooks is hosting a train trip to Hogsmeade to celebrate the launch of the new book. Anybody else want to join me and the Snook? (I think he’s going to have to be a Slytherin.)
I did it.
I did it! I just sent off my membership application to the Knitters’ Guild of NSW. I also volunteered to be their Website Convenor, since they’re in need of one. I’m in, girls!
Roo Poo Paper
Roo Poo Paper. The mind boggles. I didn’t know you could make paper out of poo! I guess it’s probably just mostly vegetable matter anyway, huh?
Korean BBQ Dos and Don’ts
Korean Barbecue Do’s and Don’ts. I’m hoping to take the fam out to Korean BBQ in Strathfield if/when they come to visit in January… (Link courtesy of Not Martha.)
Revenge of the Sith Script
As all my reserves of willpower are currently being used in sticking to the diet, I hesitated all of about three seconds before clicking on Kevin‘s link to the Star Wars Episode 3 Script. And now I’m spreading the guilt around by offering the temptation to you. Suckers.
General American English
What Type of American English Do You Speak? I’m 75% General American English, 10% Upper Midwestern, 5% Dixie, 5% Midwestern, and 5% Yankee. I figured that much. A lot of them I had to think about though, since I don’t use many of those phrases over here. I should totally write my own quiz: “Which version of International English do you speak?” Question 1: Do you say a) ass, b) ahhhss, or c) arse? Question 2: How many syllables are in the chemical element with the symbol ‘Al’? (Hint: You probably have a roll of it in your kitchen.) Question 3: Is it a) ketchup, b) catsup, or c) tomato sauce?
I got a million of ’em. (Link courtesy of Brigita, who definitely pronounces ‘envelope’ and ‘amen’ correctly but regrettably stuffs up ‘aunt.’)
Spitting mad.
Does this make anybody else spitting mad? This is the kind of crap that makes me grateful to live in Australia right now. As long as a drug is legal, a pharmacist should be required to dispense it. If you’re not happy with that, you shouldn’t be a pharmacist. Simple. I have a moral objection to Feathers yarn, but you don’t see me withholding it from customers, now do you?