Author: Kris

  • Turtles != Dinosaurs

    I was completely fascinated this morning by this AskMeFi question: “Why aren’t turtles considered dinosaurs?” There’s some fascinating stuff about evolution and biology in there.

  • Wii Fit

    Oh, sweet. The Wii Fit has an official Australian launch date: May 8. (That’s a week and a half before the US!) I wonder if any of the games places are taking pre-orders for it yet…

  • Crossing fingers

    I’ve had four job interviews in the past week… and the last one I had today was THE BEST. It’s such a perfect, perfect fit for me, I don’t even want to talk about it for fear I’ll jinx it. But if you believe in prayer or The Secret, or the Blue Dot or, you know, vibes or whatever… I could use some!


    Sweet! Remember the South Korean astronaut with the special kimchi? Well, he got in trouble and they’ve replaced him with a woman! Go Yi So-yeon!

  • Berowra Waters

    My vacation week got off to a great start yesterday. Bex had invited the Snook and me to help celebrate Fin’s birthday. Eleven of us headed up to Berowra Waters (about 50km north of us) for a picnic on the BBQ Boat! This was basically a pontoon with a built-in gas grill. We puttered up and down Berowra Creek (which joins up to the Hawkesbury River), stopping occasionally to eat, swim, and even fish.

    I remembered to get batteries for my camera, but I somehow forgot the memory card. D’OH! So all the pictures are from my spectacularly crappy mobile phone.


    The first is me driving our little GoGet car. We actually had to take a ferry (a drive-on ferry!) across the creek to the marina.

    Me and Snookums

    Next is me and the Snook on the BBQ Boat. You guys, we had SO MUCH FOOD.

    Me & Fin

    The third picture is me and Fin swimming alongside the boat. Since the Creek is tidal, the water was saltier than I expected. The current was pretty strong too, so I didn’t stay out there for very long.

    Fisherman Snook

    The last picture is Snookums working his hand fishing-line off the side of the boat. He didn’t catch anything, but he did get a few nibbles.

    At one of our last stops, I noticed something orangish floating in the water near the boat, like a discarded shopping bag. “What’s that?” I asked to the Snook as I pointed it out. “Jellyfish.” Suddenly we noticed there were loads of them. They’d all drifted into one cove, and we were right in the middle. They weren’t the stingy-death kind, thank goodness, or I’d still be freaking out about having swam in the same body of water. They were very pretty though, and I was amazed to see something like that out in the wild and not at an aquarium. It was very cool.

    Thanks again to Bex and Fin for inviting us!

  • VIP Fibers

    VIP Fibers: “the first & original company to specialize in hand spinning YOUR pet’s fur into Fur-Ever™️ Yarn.”

    Oh. My. God. (Link found in a hilariously titled Ravelry post: “Pet Yarn, creepy or not?” I’m going to have to vote CREEPY there.)

  • Mmm. Grease.

    Note to self: Buy or borrow a deep fryer in October. There are so many great food ideas for Halloween in here it isn’t even funny.

  • Swimming

    I had my first class tonight over at the Thorpe-quarium, and it was great. There were four of us in the class (all girls), and our teacher was a young woman from Brazil. Two of the students were very new to swimming, while the Irish chick and myself were further along. We started with the basics – blowing bubbles under the water. Then we moved on to floating and kicking, first with kickboards and fun noodles but eventually without. Nothing too taxing, but it felt good to start at the absolute beginning and confirm that what I was doing was correct. I’m also proud to tell you that I am the frickin’ Hermione Granger of floating. We were supposed to use the noodles to start, but I tossed mine right away and showed the teacher that I could do it without.(I think it’s my pot belly. I have natural buoyancy.) The other girls were all nice and friendly, and we had a fun time together. I can’t wait to go back next week!

  • Thank goodness for Kevin.

    I was a little worried about Obama’s losses in Ohio and Texas, but Kevin’s spelled it all out for me: Hilary’s still done. Stick a fork in her. I especially liked the football metaphor.

    Obama is up 34-7 in the fourth quarter. Clinton just scored a touchdown. The score is now 34-14, but now there’s only 2 minutes left and Obama has the ball. For all intent and purposes, he can just take a knee and run out the clock. (Not that I suggest he do so. Since the other team is playing dirty, we might as well run up the score.)

    On a related note, I got some emails today from the Democrats Abroad confirming that I’m now a full member. (I signed up when I voted in the primary.)