New Poll: Have you ever met any celebrities? Did you make a complete ass of yourself, as I do each and every time?
Author: Kris
Harry Potter premiere!
That’s right folks, I braved the cold and the crowds to bring you a few photos from the Harry Potter film premiere in Leicester Square tonight. Nobody would go with me, so I went by myself. Some pigheaded police kept us from getting close, but I still managed to see lots of stars. From the movie I saw Ron, Hagrid, Vernon Dursley, and Albus Dumbledore. I also saw the Duchess of York (Fergie), Cher, Cliff Richard, Steps, and Richard Branson, among others. Oh! And Miriam Margolyes stood right next to me! (She had tickets but the cops weren’t letting her through.) Nobody else seemed to recognize her, but I was practically bursting. She was about to leave and I couldn’t decide whether to give up what spot I had to go say hello, so in the end I just smiled at her like a maniac and she was polite enough to grin back. Go me! Anyway, most of my “celebrity” pictures turned out exactly the same (i.e. you can’t identify anybody), so I’ve left those out. The ones left should give you a sense of the atmosphere though. I can’t wait to see the movie!
Well, it’s Bonfire Night over here in Britain. This is the third one I’ve experienced, and I still can’t get over the novelty of setting off fireworks in November. Where I come from, fireworks are meant to be experienced on a warm summer night, lying on a blanket with your siblings trying to catch “lightnin’ bugs” and oohing at the patriotic local show. Instead here everyone tramps out to a hill in the middle of the freezing cold night to commemorate a murderous traitor. Very odd, the British.
There are still (loud) fireworks going off on our block. I don’t think Britain has the same laws against, you know, BIG fireworks that we do in the U.S. These suckers sound huge. It’s gonna be a while before I sleep.
What I Learned From When Dingoes Attack: Dingoes attack when they’re hungry. Yep, that’s it.
Grrrrr. Hypothetical situation: you’re an American salesperson with a girl in London on the line just aching to spend $1800. This potential customer is American herself and wishes the items to be sent to her mother’s house in America. What do you do? Sell her the frickin’ goods, right? Wrong. Apparently some people don’t like to take international credit cards. Even when they’re plain old Visas that work fine in American stores and ATMS and everywhere else you could think of. There’s no reason; they just don’t like typing “U.K.” or something. Luckily I am an enterprising individual. (You did realize I was talking about me, right?) A quick call here and the billing address is changed. Computer is purchased. Millions rejoice. And yet Kris rants…
Quiz of the day
The Discovery Health Sensuality Test. Actually this is one of the better online quizzes I’ve taken. The questions were thoughtful and actually made me realize some of my unconscious perceptions. I scored an 80, which means:
You are one sensual human being! You are titillated by the sensual stimuli of everyday life. The smell of flowers, the sensation of silk against the skin, the taste of food, the sound of music, and the rich colors of life tickle and tease you to ecstasy. Yours is a hedonistic attitude, and you deeply enjoy the physical pleasures that life has to offer. This is great-a good smell or beautiful color is often enough to keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart.
Actually I pretty much agree with this analysis. When I go to the store, I have to touch everything. If I see flowers, I have to smell them. When I hear a song with a beat, my booty starts shaking itself automatically. I can’t stand to wear itchy sweaters. I love the feel of a cold room, crisp sheets, and a warm duvet. When the sun is shining, I can’t help but feel happy.
This bit was a little scary though: People who delight in sensual pleasures are at a slightly increased risk for addictions… That’s a confirmation of something I’ve felt about myself for a while now. When I like something, I get obsessive about it. When I first heard R.E.M.’s “Out of Time”, I honestly didn’t listen to anything else for a month. And remember the whole hummus addiction? That’s mostly why I don’t do drugs, I guess. I just know that I wouldn’t be able to control myself. (Link courtesy of Brigita.)
Tomorrow night at 8:15 on Channel 5: When Dingoes Attack. Oh yes, Snookums and I will be watching. 🙂
Scene from the Cop Shop
For my Australian visa I need some sort of document proving that I’m not a criminal, so this morning I headed out to the Hammersmith Police Station to request a copy of my record. I opened the door to discover about twelve people already waiting while a single harrassed policeman tried to work the counter. While I waited, I watched as a young guy tried to claim that his £200 mobile phone had been stolen on the bus. I was buying his story until the cop, who was filling out the crime report, asked him what color it was. The “victim” had to stop and think about it. Yeah, riiight, buddy. Make sure to work out those pesky little details before you file the insurance claim. -
DeCSS (DVD decryption software) has been declared “pure speech” by a California court. Sweet! This software breaks the encryption on a DVD so you can play it on a Linux computer. The Motion Picture Association of America have a vested interest in making sure you can only play discs on approved players, and so they’ve been suing in court to prevent people from distributing it or even linking to it. Some people think that’s ridiculous (and I happen to agree). At any rate, it looks like I can wear my DeCSS T-shirt in the U.S. without fear of getting arrested.